Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sunrises, Steel, Sand and Surf-

When they say a swell is due to hit, all the surf rats come out.

As does old timin' hot rodders, and young lads like us.  After cruising a show on Friday night, we'd wake up at the crack o' dawn but fully rested, thankgodwedidn'tpartynightbefore, and off we went.
There's something about the quiet and still of the early morning.  Especially on a Saturday, and the minute we stepped foot outside, we'd both say "hmm offshore winds"-  Which makes for warm winds, and a soggy-less drive.  Love.

We'd scoot by the HB Pier, taking in the absence of crowds. 

And land here.  Donut Derelicts-
 Staring eye to lens with these fellers. 
I've always been "attracted" to the old vintage.  And my eyebrows really pop up when they are original.  I kind of like the rust, and the old interiors. I love the old turn signals, and knobs.  They always captivate me.  It's like you wonder who's touched them. What story does the car carry. I know one thing, they don't make em like this today- 
IF you ever find yourself in the Huntington Beach area on a Saturday early morning....stop by.  You won't be disappointed. Plus, the upside are the donuts. You can NEVER go wrong with a good ol' donut.  Although I have to admit, we skipped them this time, but by gosh, next time you little maple bar, next time.  Bathing suits are massive bastards come April, let me tell you. (on another note, I did another yoga class, and I think I am hooked-but we don't want to talk about sweat and yogi's because we are getting off subject lisa)- How about the red and blue here kids?  Love this.
Sunrise and Steel  ha.

These cars crack me up, don't know why. I imagine myself driving around town in it  DGAF.

See, here's my eharmony attraction-

It's like our noses even match...

I've always loved these cars.  The paint on this beauty is on point-  I can still hear Gaylord chattering into my ear once "You don't want those, they're rattle-boxes"-  I spy horsepower in her, so...maybe just maybe the rumble would cover the rattle-
Here's our beauties...


I mean, doesn't this make you want to put on your cutest dress, and sun hat, and just cruise......
What about this.  Yes, take me to the sea shore.  
Bummm, bummm, bummm......There's always a chance of rain at every party- OR donuts.  So ya, there's that.
And the little details like this movie speaker adorning his window.  Talk about take me back.  I can remember asking my Dad to let me have it on my side.  Or arriving too late, and getting shitty parking and knowing that we had shitty parking, but my parents tried to feed us some lines of BS-  but I knew. And most always being told to "go play on the playground", even in our pajama's and sandy as ever, we knew we were diverted from that car for a reason. But hey, I'm happy for those days.  For they "were the days, we just didn't know"-  

I stole 2 kisses from this sweet girl "Dolly"-  Puppy breath can be bottled and sold. 

My Dad continued to ask us all week about the swell...and surf.  After leaving donut land, I'd beg for breakfast on Main St. in Seal and to quickly step out onto the sand for a quick check of this surf comp. My favorite surf shop in all the land. Holla Harbour!

From these pictures you really can't see just how big the swells were rollin' in.  But for Seal, they were crackin!
The temps at a wonderful 75- 
Bill and I headed home so he could go check on Gaylord.  I headed back to Seal to give my toes a facelift.  The longest I've gone without a pedicure, and let's just say, you could easily say I would win an ugly feet contest in 2 seconds flat.  yuck. 
As I'm getting my toes a new life, I received a phone call from my boy "Hey Mom, where you at?"
I'm down at Bogarts getting coffee, and here to check the surf...
Me: Wait there bub, I'm on my way!   Pictured here is a mama with a full heart.
So here is South Side. 
And if there is one of the million things that freak me out, is watching little's by the shore side without parents close by.   At least 10, under the age of 10.  I'm on the pier having a heart attack.  If you look closely, it's usually the inlanders that really have no clue of what can happen.  Scurrrry.....
So there you have it Dad, see how high the tide would go?  Up to the berm they built.

Sunday morning would roll around, soon handing things over to Sunday afternoon. 
A new recipe was cooked, some wine was shared, along with hugs of praise to take on this week.

I can do it.  You can do it.

---Spend your life with who makes you happy-Not who you have to impress---

Happy Tuesday friends-

I hope this week is good to you. If not, well there's always next week-

Remember- Silence is better than bullshit.  So zip your lip if you have to.  And just smile. 

Peace to you,


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