Wednesday, January 7, 2015

In case you are wondering.

In case you are wondering what I've been up to, after I bolted from here to there....

Most importantly, now. 

Spending time decompressing from the holidays. It seems to grow a little more stressful for me each year.
So much so, that I threw away every single bit of wrap I had left.  Just because. LOL
I've spent time with Kali, sipping coffee and indulging in very very deep conversations.
I've witnessed a very sick Gaylord make it home, and paddle his way through healing.  Tis' NOT an easy road. God Bless his kids. 
I've taken down two houses worth of decorations. 
We've packed away a house at the lake for happy snow birds.

I shipped my parents Christmas presents 4 days after Christmas so there's a winner daughter there. 
I've tended to things on my desk, some urgent, some not so. 
I've cleaned boxes, and rearranged "junk" which ='s trashola to the curb for this girl. Don't tell Kali. 
We've heard news of our friend committing suicide on NYE.  Rest Easy Scotty. 
I've found myself day dreaming while thinking of him preparing that horrible task.  Poor dude. Just to think if one phone call, or one visit would have stopped him.  I sure will miss his big smile, and his always interesting surfer style necklaces. 
I've sent emails to loved ones, and written a couple of letters too. 
I've baked some yummy breads, and up'd my anty with hearty meals. 
I've tried my new face creams only to find that 2 of the 3 are eye creams, so I hope you all see a difference, because that shit has made it's way from nose to ear, ear to chin, and chin to neck. boom.

Pure. Glory.

I've learned that Kali is still battling being away at school. 
I've enjoyed many cute picture holiday cards, that I still catch myself staring at. LOVE. 
I've dressed for work, freezing, and scrambling for clothes I like. 
We celebrated NYE in Seal, with dinner at Walts, and home by 11.
We've stayed in more than we have in a very long time. 
Using the term staying in as, actually sitting on the couch watching tv.  
The year of 2014 was one of our hardest as of yet. 
Some of the proudest moments, and yet some of our hardest, came from that year we said good-bye to. 
I'm savoring each morning I can with Kali before she heads back to take down the next semester. 
I've learned that she can rock a dirty room like no other. 
I've learned that we both have oodles of hair that does not do well in my white shower, and bathroom.
I've learned that washing/drying warm blankets for my cats to cuddle up on is really good karma. 
I've learned that receiving texts' from friends I haven't seen in weeks still melts my heart. 
Receiving pictures from my parents as they opened their gifts I sent, pushed me over the tear drop mountain. 
(blurry shot, but some of our family in that heart- tucked up in a nice big black frame) - Pinterest winner-
(That is a personalized floor mat for their kitchen floor...came out pretty cute, huh)

I've learned that I can listen to Norah Jones on Pandora all damn day, and keep calm. 
I've learned that bullshit is still served on a stick, it's just up to us to take possession, or toss it. 
I've learned that being an almost 45 year old is becoming harder and harder to fucking see. Which reminds me why I think eye cream is just face cream.  
Bill and I exchange ornaments each year, and while admiring the one he bought me and the cute picture tucked inside, it reads "Just Married" on the bottom.  He about shit his pants- So, tell me who can't see now? big ol LOL-
I've learned that hot coffee with whipped cream and cinnamon a'top is still the best. 
I've learned that both of my kids keep me proud.  Pretty sure I did a little something kind of right. 
I've learned that this year will be as good to me, as I make it. 

I wish you all a good week, a good month and a kick ass year. 

Hope you are killing it with your resolutions- Mine will stay the same, trying to find the goodness in the simplest.

You know, less stuff = more meaning.  Think about that.


Happy Humpday.

Peace to you all....

Lisa Lynn

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