Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Because I still can't seem to wrestle my camera, along with the cord to upload, download, and dosey-doe all of my pictures into the right files. It's seriously taking everything I have to just upload these.  So right up front, I'd like to offer my apologies.  Or maybe not, maybe you totally understand.  Maybe you ride in my busy boat that isn't making the time like at night when I HAVE NOTHING to do.
Enough with the excuses Lisa, enough.
I washed my hair last night, that was a fete in itself.  boom.

One last disclaimer...my camera is really ready to retire. Which means I get to hear yet another time from Bill..."Well, where's your good camera mama"?

I know...I know.  It's all about convenience.  It's all about whipping that little metal dude out wherever I am.
Which also means serious deleting later.    c.o.c.k.t.a.i.l.s.   

Remind me, is November already over?

I'm still having a hard time with that.  As much as I LOVE December because of the love, and sweet goodness that comes with gatherings, and cookies, and Christmas music, and wine, and friends, and simple gift wrap.  And burlap, white lights, and more cookies...and Shelly's famous toffee, and all that comes with Christmas, and December.  Not to mention birthdays...Trev, Mindi, Jio and Jace...Tim and rest in peace my cousin Brandy. 

I will miss you November.  I really will. Maybe it's the kick off of everything pumpkin. 

Here a glimpse of our day on the river.  Thanksgiving 2014

In his element.

In their element.

Got to catch up with old friends.  Friends that started this tradition with us.  Here.


Love this shot. 

Now that southern Cali is finally getting our lips wet with water, I couldn't be more stoked. Not that it's helping my crazy ambitions when I get home.  Because hot showers, and my coziest pajamas are still the jam.
Just last night as I closed my blinds, and made my "cream of wheat"- with a side of toast I reminded myself.
I've paid my dues.  I've stayed up late cooking, cleaning, serving, homework, back pack emptying and filling.
Forms and paperwork for my kiddo's. I've paid my dues.

I should know better that my body needs a good workout.  And I really belong in the gym where sweaty bodies and people with huge head phones on are the shit.  But I decide to stay home.

Time is never as relevant as health.  And I know that.  I know what I need to do.  For my mental health.  For my physical health.  I'm getting there.  Soon.  I will get there.  I think my soul is still getting used to a shift in the tides that happened. 

Now, let's not talk about the pumpkin pie I baked on Sunday evening just so the house smelt amazing after being out of it for days.

I brought the house right up to speed in the cozy department, lickety split.

The problem is, I bought whipped cream.

I have to believe that my will power is way stronger than that pie, even if whipped cream is two feet away in the fridge.

happy taco tuesday kids. or happy rainy day.  or happy to be alive day.

Be safe, and dance in the rain!  Always dance in the rain.  And if not dance, well then get your hair wet and frizzy and kick some ass in the puddles.

Just remember, we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.  Let the little petty things go.  Right down the gutter with the rain water. Let it go.

Leese, the girl with frizzy hair, and duggar bangs.  jk.  they're on their way out.  whew.

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