Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our purpose-

We bailed for one week.

That's a miracle in itself.

No, really it is.

It's funny when your babes were little, and you couldn't wait for date night, and date night arrived and all you could do was talk about the babes.

We've always yearned for a vacation.  In Havasu, alone for a week. It was our target time.  To get away, alone, and just be us.

Things we learned from this:

That mountain bikes are rad, and no matter what your daughter says, helmets ARE cool. 

That on a couple of streets we actually were hauling ass, and boy that noggin sure needs a helmet.

That following him was quite fun, especially when he took me around the city to land here.

This was our first weekday away, and not at work. 
But first let's talk about the boat races.
Again, follow the leader, and guess who takes the lead.  This fine man.
And disappoint they did not. When you mix water, and top fuel, with the roar of the motor, and adrenaline that flows around in the air, it just does not disappoint.
When you run into friends, that are hanging in there, yet missing their lover.  Dave, we missed you dude. I could only think of the smile you had up in heaven watching all of this. 
As your closest friends mastered Jenga.

We felt you there.
If there is one thing in this life that I adore, it's tradition.  It's the same rhythm or pattern of life.  The love that flows.  Or the kindness that shakes tradition.  As I stood under some shade, I looked to my right to see a boat, and driver being covered in love, and prayer.  Chills people, chills.  xo
And this my friends, is BAD ASS.  Rumble your chest, burn your ears, BAD ASS.
So back to our school of purpose.  The chapter of learning to be just us.   On Monday, after making breakfast and dining on our patio, we'd hop over to launch at a very quiet ramp.  Love at first sight if you ask me.  Shoot, ask that question to anyone, and they'll melt in your arms.  ha.
Off we'd go with our eye on our cove.  Music turned up, and smiles breaking from our lips.
Big foot sighting.
The Springs for lunch...yes please.  Sold on their Monday Madness, with drinks half off, and food even cheaper, yes please.
We've visited this cove for many many years, and most often times in the summer months it has a "NO VACANCY" feel that waves in front as we pull in.  Not this day-  This fine day said...."come in you two"-

And there we stayed...for the duration of the afternoon.  Again, talking about life.  Work.  Our new world of us. 

And the days would go on.  As much as getting away is so kind on our hearts, we'd still have the urge to worry about work.  About the shop.  About money.  About future things, and what they hold.  About planning, and just what we are cut out for.  About love, and about us. 
And each night we watched the sun say goodnight. 
We learned that friends pull you through the different days. 
And that new adventures still hold us together. 
We learned that beautiful cars sit so still in our hearts. 
Our friend Jerry sold this beauty while we were there.  Drove her up from Santa Clarita.  Swwooon.
"Hey Jer"

We learned that classic cars will always, always be in style.  I mean look at this beauty. 

We were spoiled with beautiful dinners by this fine man and his lady.  Thank you Jim, and thank you Rosa! World, meet Sir Jim Bell (the famous Kenne Bell Supercharger owner)- Fine dinners, and fine wine, sitting around your fine place, yes we learned that friendship is warm, and especially full of love by you.  We have always cherished our time together.  Thanks Jim!
We learned that dreaming is dreaming, but if you shoot for the stars, you just might land in this sexy Caddie. 
Bill asked me what one car is my dream car.  We both love horse power, and we both love sexy.  But give this to me baby. 
I have a feeling it's gonna be under our Christmas tree.  I feel it.  ha!

We all remember her, right? She's another crush of mine. 
Throughout the week, we learned that making breakfast, and planning dinner was our big deal.  We learned that our purpose in life shifted a little.  We learned that helping others, and being responsible for "something", has filled our chapters.  A few times during the week we'd plop down on the couch, or curl back up in bed, and look at eachother.  hmmm, is this what retirement feels like? 

We made our way to the local skate park, which is very nice I might add.  To hand out love.  Stickers, shirts, hats, and love.  As Bill pulled the truck around to the kids, I approached a couple of young lads.  Trying not to seem like a freaky weirdo, I introduced myself, and offering them this. 
As Bill handed out goodies, and I snapped shots, I realized my heart felt full.  It feels full to give love.  To have a purpose.  To help others, or give the smallest notion of kindness. 
And they loved it.  As we pulled away, our hearts felt full.  We smiled at each other with peace inside.  To scatter kindness and love to kids staying clean, or working on their next trick.  Mastering something.  Their purpose. 
We learned that being away without a purpose was a little challenging.  We learned to slow down, and not run around so fast.  We learned that home prepped meals can be sweet, and slow. That changing our diet, with different recipes, and time frames, was good.  We learned that watching a movie, uh um, or trying to because I fall asleep and get the startled glare from my lover.  We learned to explore, and yet save.  We learned that being together is where we feel safe.  We learned that change is here, and that we did our job as parents.  We learned that by loving each other we are shaping their future, and shaping ours.

It wasn't easy being away from the shop.  We woke most every morning before the sun.  The look we know in each others eyes isn't an easy look.  It's a worried look reassuring the other that "every little thing is gonna be alright"-  We still cheered at cocktail hour, and quietly watched the sun set.  I more than once got huge lumps in my throat because of the changes.  I shed tears, and quickly wiped them away with laughter to chase them away.   We sat in our cove listening to our favorite music, and yet hurried home in time for a nice home made dinner vs. a restaurant.  We grocery shopped at a snails pace, and yet rushed home to realize there is no rush.

These new chapters are a tad awkward to me.  To him.  To both of us.  Those that know us, know that we have always made a way for date nights, weekend, and days.  But let me just say....things are totally different.  Trust me.  Change has been wild.

We are learning.  To live, and to let live.  To grow, and yet work. 

Thank you for being patient while I stepped away from my blog land.  As much as I wanted to type away, I just didn't make the time for it .

To say the last couple of days at work were busy, is an understatement.  Clearing my desk, and juggling people and phones is my life.  But jumping back in after sliding around at a snails pace has been a tad bit weird. 

Happy Humpday lovers. 

Keep your chin up.  Don't give up.  Love the life you live, because some are taken way too soon.

To the friends that love us, and surround us with kindness during these days, we love you.

Go get after it. And don't look back.  Only you can keep you happy.  Remember that.

Love and peace.

The girl trying to find her new purpose.

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