Monday, October 27, 2014

No camera, no problem.

We were lucky enough to have Kali with us ALL weekend.  She drove home on Friday, and spent the night with us, both nights. 

We dined at a cute new place on Main St. in HB.  On the boardwalk, Friday night.  Do you love to people watch like we do?  Go there. 

Friday nights.  Look out kids, look out.  We got caught up-  About everything.  Her life in SM, her friends, her school, her plans, just about everything.  It's always nice to have those conversations one on one.  No phone in her face or hands.  Same for us.  No interruptions of sharing a conversation between friends with us- (although we missed our Gio) -  It was just her.  My camera never came out of my bag.  I know, roll your eyes.  No camera? No problem-

Soon we'd all land back at home and asleep by 10 because we are crazy like that-whomp whomp.
Saturday she wanted to shop.  And shop we did.  For anyone that truly knows me, knows I can't stand to shop.  Put me in a mall, and call it misery. 
Fashion Island was her choice.  The best people watching place around.  Seriously, good stuff.

She bolted around with her bag of Brandy Melville stuff.  I scoped out yummy places to grab a quick bite.

Again, we'd land at home with plans to make fish taco's from fish that Kris has caught.  A few friends came over that night, and delish-ness time it was!  Taco partayyy!

Sunday was nothin' but lazy fest.  Kali had plans with Gianni, so Bill and I kissed her good-bye and held that couch down real good. 
Starving bodies would soon evolve so we stepped over to Harry's to eat. 
And do a quick toe dip into some salt water.

During the fall months, there is something about the beach. It's peace.  It's tranquil sounds.
The sun shines down, but not too bright.  The angle of the sun changes. It's all very good...

Our idea of Sunday afternoon would be baseball, and more chill fest.


Although my body says take me back there.  My heart says stay here and work hard.
The days are long, and the nights can be interesting-
Work, health and taking care of business is what it's all about right now.

Each morning as I leave for work, I spot pumpkins. Decorations.  Halloween is here, and boy this year will be different.  Each year since our littles were little, my sister would come over.  I'd make chili dogs, snap a million pictures of the kids, hand out candy, source out candy, and hit the streets together.

Halloween won't be quite the same this year.  Have fun everyone, gathering your last bits of costume stuff, and goodies for your babies....hold on to the clock, because it's spinning faster than I ever imagined it would.

Trick or Treat!
Last year 2013

Get after what makes your heart full.  Love where love is needed.  Give where you can, and always always spread kindness to animals-

This weekend I left my camera in my bag. No camera, no problem.

Peace and Love-

This Mama Lisa

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