Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Who remembers.

So many times I reflect back on my adolescent days in the seventies.  Well, for me the seventies. 

Those days that offered our family many different places to live.  Several different homes, and many many crazy times. I lived in the city, and I also lived out in the I.E, where a large property offered us a dirt road that led us to our home.  Along with many farm animals.  If only someone would of stored those memories in a good book for me.  I really didn't realize the affect from those animals, until now.  Those days, and those animals were my only saving grace. No, really they were. 

We weren't rich, and yet we managed to live simple.  At times I must say, a little too simple. But I will save that for another day.
It certainly has kept me humble.  Even though I won't camp in a tent anymore.  

I came across this list on a blog the other night and literally laughed out loud.  I related in small ways, and yet some were ginormous.

I do remember going to Kmart and there was a kitchen counter.  I remember Blue Chip stamps, and loved when the clerk would spin that thing and stamps would pop out. 

The difference we experienced was "lay-away"-  Layaway at Zody's to be exact--oh the smell of popcorn as you entered.

What about Gemco, and feeling like a big-wig when you'd pull your car around the back so the groceries would get loaded.  Gemco had their toiletries separated from groceries, and the sound of the staple gun as the cashier would fold that bag, and staple away.  Delightful-  ya, just call me freak.
Back to school...

So many of the things on this back to school lunch list cracked me up.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For you 80's babies, here's one for you...what about the scented ones?  yum blueberry.
To say we are over achieving parents, is mildly put.  I am that Mom that drove way across town for the perfect private school and public school uniforms that were WANTED, not needed. 
I was also the Mom that organized their back packs, and made sure meal prep was my Sunday afternoon priority.  So many of the over-obsessed ways,  I hold my self accountable.

Thanks for the laugh you silly blog, thank you for the laugh.  

Happy Hump Day-

Stay cool you southern cali kids.  It's gonna be a melting pot this weekend.

Remember your pets. Bring them in, and DO NOT leave them in your car.

They can't speak, so take care of them-If you own a pet, remember they can be more loyal than some humans.

Spay and neuter your pets,


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