Thursday, December 19, 2013

If they start young...

"Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do....but how much love we put in that action".
                                                                                                           Mother Teresa

This note left in my coffee cup for an early morning rise this week.  Kali-coo-coo, you lover you.

And if YOU start leaving notes for THEM while they are young....the cycle just keeps turning.  From us to them, from them to us, and someday to their children and spouses.

Leave a note tucked away for a loved one.  Doesn't have to be a spouse, or lover.
Our children, young and old soak this stuff up.

I know mine do.

Start em young.

Even a little note with a heart, or gosh goodness if you can something silly.

Remember to teach kindness and respect while out in public places...- Pleases and thank you's can never be enough.

And to NEVER, EVER litter.

or spit.  lol.

and to close toilet seats.  yack. 

ps.  I also stand to believe that if one must stand up for themselves; That is a chosen taught necessity too. 
Trust me on that. 

Ho Ho Ho.

This Mama Lisa