Wednesday, June 26, 2019

On Life Currently.




Was driving to work this morning thinking about my friend Kerri whom had to make the wrenching decision to put their family dog "Minnie" down Monday afternoon.  The daunting task of making that appointment.  The good, and probably the only good part, was having her home and the vet coming out.  I literally could not stop staring at the grave dug in their backyard in the picture.  A picture by their young teen son. Buried there in their backyard. So close, yet so far. 
The ripple effects that come from something so SO deep.

A moment in time you want to let slip away, and yet, you don't --



Had dinner with Kris and the doggo's on Monday night and watched him mow down a plate of bbq chicken, baked beans, corn on the cob and garlic, made by yours truly and although that boy eats slower than any human I know *because phone in hand and lots to chat about-- Bill and I were made aware he's gained over 10 lbs you guys.  TEN POUNDS in two months.  


Buckie came running towards me faster than I've seen him run in months. Smile on his face, and a pep in his body unlike anything I've seen in over a year.  Sat and begged which drives Bill crazy, but if you ask me, just let him live.  Please Lord, let that little dog just keep living.  


 One thing I know for sure, is never take the mundane things in this life for granted.  If it's dinner sitting next to your kids, soak it up. Every single second. 


This weather really plays games on the soul that's for sure.

Sunny at the beach. Gloomy at the office. Windy most afternoons. The best days tend to fall on Sunday when I turn into a planning, organizing maniac. 

How's everyone doin?



Laughing at the crazy?

Ya, me too.

I'm trying to stay physically fit, emotionally stable, and kind in my heart.

If you're going through a hard time, don't give up-

Do. Not. Give. Up!

A note to remember...

What doesn't do you good, you do not need.

Move on.


This Mama Lisa

Or maybe you can sneak away to a place that looks like this....

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