Thursday, June 27, 2019

Forever And Ever. Amen.

Long Beach Yacht Club- Wet Wednesday June 26-2019 

January 2016- City Of HOPE-





Speaking up.

Pushing hard.


A mother and son.

A book filled with chapters.  So so many chapters.

Three and a half years.

Thank you City Of Hope!

Thank you Piranha! 


Miss. Kali Mae

To my girl, YOU have what it takes.  Keep pushing the doors you've worked so hard to pry open.
You can.
You CAN.

Words to chew on..

The solo marathon

The usual marathons, the popular ones, are done in a group.
They have a start time.
A finish line.
A way to qualify.
A route.
A crowd.
And a date announced a year in advance.
Mostly, they have excitement, energy and peer pressure.
The other kind of marathon is one that anyone can run, any day of the year. Put on your sneakers, run out the door and come back 26 miles later. These are rare.
It’s worth noting that much of what we do in creating a project, launching a business or developing a career is a lot closer to the second kind of marathon.
No wonder it’s so difficult.

I see you putting those running shoes on. 
Life's a dance, you'll learn as you go.
Just don't lose your spirit in the process.

And remember, when you need to drop an anchor, drop it. And rest.


Happy Thursday my friends...

This Mama Lisa

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