Monday, February 12, 2018

Finishing What She Started

Kali's first year of college had a few "things she must do" on the list. 

Those beginning days living on campus in the dorms, she truly had the full experience of "going away to college".  (still chuckle when I look back at how fretful I IF YOUR CHILD CAN GO AWAY TO COLLEGE, MAKE THEM, LET THEM, DON'T LOOK BACK--BE PROUD!
Something I never dreamed of myself, as a young girl.  She experienced quite a few fun things in that dorm.  Along with the few things that weren't her favorite (dealing with messy roommates).  Her goal was to get into a sorority.  One that she had her eye on, was Alpha Chi Omega. 
Recruitment 2015 - Kali and Madison Thompson-Who's since moved on to nursing school locally- (Miss you Madi!)

Those beginning days were so exciting.  Such an adrenaline to "rush"-  The themes they'd do.  
She was accepted.  Loved on by her peers.  And most typical, she did the same to her "Little"-
Every girl in her home, (her besties) stopped the routine.  Dropping out one by one...figuring the commitment was a bit much.  Whether the time it took (Sunday night at Chapter, and Kali correct mama if she's wrong, because I probably am, and you're rolling your eyes right now) but let's just say, her chapter nights would have her leaving campus at close to 10pm at night.  
Those moments you'd much rather be cuddled up with your roommates on a Netflix binge. 

She stuck with it. 

It's really the way Kali is wired.  Once she starts something, she always finishes. 

Kali, you make Dad and I so proud. 

You stuck with it. 

We'll leave the peeing in the alleys at formal before embarking on the bus for home outta-of-it...LOL!

Or the time Maddie Thompson kept tripping in her high heels and you'd have to stand with your legs in a pretzel so you didn't pee.

Good times sweet pea. Good times!

I'm glad you stuck with it. 

 February 11, 2018  Her final recruitment.  This chapter closing.  Something she'll stash away until her own daughter needs advice on.  Whether she'd suggest it or not, she finished. 

You did it Kali!  You mastered pulling together during the days mama couldn't help you.  You put together recruitment items and decorated shirts, baskets and paddles like a boss!  You stayed late, and got there early.  Your commitment to this organization is everything they need. 

I am so proud you kept your word and finished.

Happy Monday kids...BRING ON THE RAIN!  

And this song....

Don't Blink....

This Mama Lisa

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