Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Well That Was Poopy

I literally went from kicking my sandals in the air Friday morning, blogging like a skip-n-hop girlie, to a drive-like-a-maniac home so I wouldn't puke on the side of the road, by Friday evening. Two possible enemies rattled my head. In-N-Out, (for some reason the tomato looked odd at the time of my eating like a starved dog mode-yet never did I remove it because hello lazy don't want to rewash...blah blah blah) or second, I thought I was burping the wings from Taco Surf (that Bill, The Sicklers and myself mowed down Thursday night)

As I exited a side street almost home, (Katella for you local peeps) there wasn't a lane to pull over and I was freaking out with thoughts of puking on my lap. My compassion and thoughts of the many moments Kris was so incredibly nauseated, and yet..here I was hauling ass to get home. Breathe Lisa, Breathe.

I couldn't lug my bags and body in the house fast enough. I also couldn't untangle my fat ass bun on the top of my head which was so tangled in the 3 bands I use to balance and hold that shit up. Getting in and out of the shower with hopes that maybe it would help. Brushing my knots out was another feat. In almost tears from the pain and nausea I changed into my sexiest hole riddled sweats, my mama bird t-shirt, and favorite pillow, and crawled in bed. Bill texting me shortly after "honey at grocery store be home in 15"-

Soon he's home, hollering down the hall..."hooneey I'm home" LOL. What he is normally greeted with is a dressed Lisa, hair in place and my hand out waiting for a cocktail -KIDDING- but you get my drift. He stares at me with the first few of many grocery bags. One thing you all know about me, is I don't lay around. Much less let him haul everything in, AND put it all away. My stomach hurt and burned every 30 seconds or so.

Back to bed I went and stayed there until Sunday.

Not sure what the deal was/is...I still don't feel like myself, but went to docs today.  Either viral or bacterial.

My little triage of nurses were incredible! Bills compassion and willingness to tickle my arms, and massage the top of my head creating a huge bubble of knots. And dodging my bed to couch, couch to bed antics because I was miserable and yet he'd  just move over, and offer whatever you could. Honey, you're amazing...

Kali zipping out the door first thing Saturday morning on a mission to get fresh mint, and those white things that you drop in water that I can't figure out how to spell, and there's no "replacements" on my spell check.   They are fritzy and also have pain relief in it..AND made me burp. #awesome!
My other handsome birdie came barreling down the hallway shortly after "mama, I brought you a smoothie from Nektar!" (Which was a cold buster kind with ginger-ouch-but so sweet my lover birdie you are full of love)

Saturday grazed by like a warm summer boring bummer day.
Sunday proved a teeny bit better, but then all heck broke loose....or I mean shit.
Monday I laid in bed all day.

My birdies went to Kris' follow up appointment. An appointment proving he's right where he should be. Issues with knees continue to hurt him. He's completely off his Tacrolimus and Sirolimus. I sent Kali with a little list of questions. She'd ask, and then hit record on her phone...that little reporter girllll.  Holla out to technology baby!
He's gained a little,and most important he's gained a lot in the spirit department. (Hellllllo steroids)

I'm hopeful that whatever bug creeped in me from that tomato jk, or a worm....double jk...or the wings I ate like a dog...will hurry up and Getty-Out of my town.

Homie don't like to lay around.

And this rumbling tummy?

Shiz sucks!

Hope you all had a better weekend than this warrior Mama.

As Kris said...Mom, there's always more weekends...

Love and peace, and pardon wishes as I blog on le ipad.  Boom.


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