Monday, June 13, 2016

Back To Reality, Filled With Love-

I bought two souvenirs in Cabo.  One, a wood Rosary.

The other, a wooden/metal sign.

The sign reads, "All You Need Is Love"-  

As we were leaving Cabo, I'd receive a text from Kali.  Informing of yet another attack.  

We pray so hard for humans to just live in good health. I mean, isn't that our hardest endeavor?
 To love eachother, without judgement.  And yet, the world doesn't always work out that way.  Same with health.  The impossible would be so perfect possible.
And yet, it doesn't work out that way.  What does work, is the enormous amount of LOVE that pulls together in the storms of life.  Donating blood, services, hugs, love, life. 

Evil can't win.  Love will always win, even when hearts are shattered.  And confused.

I have tons of pictures to share.

Instead of this Monday being about me. Or us.  Let's just spread love. And pray harder for peace in this world. 

The one thing breaking my heart the most- The last text to a family member, frantic, scared and hiding.  And gone.  No more replies.  Gone.

Tell those you love, you love.  Love hard kids.  

Most especially, tell your babies.  Often.  

Love is love. Humanity is humanity. Let your rainbow shine....

Reality.  Monday June 13, 2016- Happy 5th Month Kris!  

Today, we'll venture back to the doctors.  Labs, docs, X-Rays and answers- My list of questions, and answers--

 My wish for you is a good peaceful Monday.  Smile at a stranger.  You never know what is going on in their world-

This Mama Lisa

Had a blast with my lover.  We tend to tangle our souls into each other in travel.  And for that I am grateful.
Bill, thank you honey.  For loving me hard.  And always wiping away my silly tears, even in good times.

Because of love. 
Because of life. 
Because of LOVE. 

Thank you Jesus!  

He's still holding onto my wheel!


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