Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Slices Of Love and Sunshine

Well another weekend in the books.  This one felt unusually peaceful. Funny how the celebration of Fathers Day made my day feel that much more relaxed and peaceful. Maybe it's because in my earlier days I kind of felt like I took on the role as Mama and Dad.  Although we showered Bill with all the deserved glory, I basked in the ray of sunshine just as much. 

I called my Dad on Sunday morning, and it took everything in my being to not get a knot in my throat. I purposely called while we boated over to Gaylord's to feed him breakfast so the motor would drown out any knotted throat. Dad, I miss you and just a good long hug.
My sister and I had dinner on Friday night, and we reminisced about our childhood, and especially the wild antics our Dad created in our home.  Don't get me wrong, our house was filled with more love than I have felt from anyone, or anywhere since.  (Except you Bill, you show me a different kind of welcoming love, but we all know this, right? good.)
I inherited my unconditional love for many things.  I inherited my talent for turning up the music when I drink alcohol induced drinks.  I inherited my lack of patience for bullshit.  I inherited the desire to spread kindness when and where it's least expected.  I inherited his desire of knowledge.  Especially the need to soak up nature, and it's beautiful angles. 

Our Dad is a strong Dad.  He's a wise man with stories of wisdom.  He loves his family, he loves music, and he loves loves loves our Mom. 
He loves animals more than I think we all really know. 

I wanted to post this picture on Instagram on Sunday. I love it because it's so raw.  It's so him.  It pretty much sums up my Dad in a huge sea shell.  OR how bout' we call it flowery goodness-
I am constantly reminded that life is fast.  Love while you can.  Give where you can give.  And don't ever take the life of another for granted, because we see way too often just how fast they can be gone.  Many times throughout my day I thought of the many people that don't have that chance to call their Dad anymore.  

Stay grateful kids. Stay grateful. 

I'll be sure to contribute my next gushy post to Bill.  We had quite the lovely Sunday with him. 

As they say--  Gotta tilt your hat to a man that walks into a woman's life with a nest of her own. 

But more on that later....

I love you Dad.  Hope your gift arrives soon, because I am so flaky and sent it on a Friday, and you know how that mountain timing works. Dammit-

Love to you all-

This Mama, and Daughter Lisa

ps. little trivia about my dad...he texts' me and refers to me as #2, and in serious conversations will end them in LOL, which he thinks means "lots of love"- This combo makes me laugh out loud each time. Like a whole hearted chuckle.  I am referred to as poop, and he's laughing out loud.  HAHAHAHA! I know I shouldn't spill the beans, because when he reads this, I'm sure the lol's and the #2 might get re-nig'd.  farts.  Dad, please don't stop. ever.

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