Monday, June 23, 2014

Slices of a weekend.

Kids in the harbor can be very creative.  Especially when it comes to the bridges, and bayside sand.
When we came across this, I could only chuckle, and be extremely grateful that my boy has passed this "phase"- So here we have a ramp, that shoots them directly into the water.  The ladder is priceless, only because the sandy beach is a 10 feet from there.  And the guy in the tree?  hmmm.  what's up partner.

 And soon we'd see this.  Bum. Bum. Bummmmm.  HAHAHA!

I'm quite sure negotiations were at their finest.  

I mean, they had a solid life guard.  So....
Onward we'd move.  Catching this sticker KMS.  My birdies initials. boom. 
And while this side of the harbor was filled with canoes, kayaks and paddle boarders, we see more of these fellers. 
 But no worry kids.  They're hard at work. 
When you see it.  Front in center baby, front in center. 
I do believe I see his cell phone out, and I definitely watched him snap some shots.   #taxdollas.   
Meanwhile our boy was out in the San Diego/Mexico waters getting his dive on.

His latest and greatest hobby.  Spearfishing, and diving.

Happy Monday people.

Happy Monday.


ps.  Update on Grandma Shirley, we are told to take it week by week, vs. day by day.  Prayers.  Faith.

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