Friday, March 13, 2020


Girl talk alert--

This week I debuted shark week. holla. 

I know don't be jealous.  (girls only)

And on Monday I was that nerd arriving at Costco to buy toilet paper.  A few weeks ago Bill and I were running low and we both agreed "just add it to our list for when we get back"-  

Shelley laughed so hard the morning we drove to Costco "Leese, they don't have toilet paper!"

I'm like...wait, what.....?  Why......

Thank goodness tampons were in stock. Whew.  HAHAHA! Bill calls it "changin my oil" Whatevs.

On the way home from the gym the other day I rolled into Ralph's.  There were like 3 big things left.  I grabbed one. 

Kali mentioned yesterday her and Grant have like 3 rolls left. 

So being the mom I am, I decided I'd go get them some at Ralph's again.


Not to mention, canned goods are wiped out, beans were almost gone...etc. 

What I did notice were the concerned faces.  The elderly out shopping at 8:00am, with a look of general concern.   One elderly man was buying bologna. One had liver or something dark and gushy.  

Made me think of the luxury we've had throughout the years of, let's say...Costco.  How we can buy in bulk.  Fill up our garages. Second fridges in garages, so on and so on.  (we don't have a second fridge, but man some days I wish that were possible). 

As I made my way around the store to get my goodies to make chili for the weekend, and chicken pot-pies on Sunday...I really really was astonished at the look of fear and concern on everyone's faces. Also I could see a tad bit of shy embarrassment as we grabbed an extra can of whatever.

You know I grabbed two boxes of Kraft Mac N Cheese...(I haven't bought that in over ten years but thought man, if we're going out, I'm having some- lol) Could eat one box in a sitting.  Stop Lisa stop.

Don't get me wrong. I am very scared.  You all know my worry and who I worry about the most.
As a matter of fact, a couple times in the last few days I get heart palpitations.  This fear that our nation and human race is covered in is something most of of caretakers, warriors and fighters have dealt with since day one of diagnosis.  It's like everyone's living the life we all live daily.
The monkey never leaves our back.

What I noticed as I stood in line is all the scared frowns on everyone's faces. 

I began to smile.  At anyone and everyone that looked at me directly in the eyes.  I smiled.  Big.
I unloaded the cart for the two elderly folks behind me. Not because they needed that help, but because I wanted to open the moment to be kind. To chat. To clear that concerned look on their little faces.  Smiling and making small talk about the rain.
Complimenting her cute umbrella.  We exchanged a moment of kindness.


My hope is that we remember our strength. We help the elderly and those with a compromised immunity.  That we offer bigger smiles to those in need. 
Imagine this...we have friends. We have family.  We have resources. 

Some don't. 

Some don't know how to work their computer, or have an iphone.  They're just listening to the tv and news (maybe that's a good thing). 



And smile some more.

And be kind.


Don't touch your face. Ears. Noses...and of course your pp's without proper hygiene.

We will all get through this together. 

Have a good weekend.  

Pray for me on the toilet paper agenda.  We are low. But we will manage.  

Oil changes and all.  Roger that. 

With love, kindness and lots of wholesome prayer...

I'm off to go pick up Kris' meds, wipe em down and drop them off to him.

Forever and ever a warrior mom. 

This Mama Lisa


Guess I better bring out our board games, right?  
wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands hahahahahah wash yo gosh damn hands!!!!!

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