Thursday, March 26, 2020

Push Through.

One of my favorite comedians (Chris Delia) made me laugh til I had tears last night (he's vulgar so don't go there if you can't take the heat).  I tucked away with my iPad and watched a couple of his podcasts.  The little things to get us through all of these emotions. From fear to frustration. Frustration to fear.  What he spoke of is the movie stars doing little concerts in their homes and singing "Imagine" by John Lennon.  Also, when other movie stars and average Joe's like myself keep saying "we'll get through this" when the truth of the matter is, SOME of us won't. Some people won't.  

So there's this really weird human spirit of trying to help with words....or singing. And then you have the sick silly people like me that some times laugh at inappropriate times.  So you have to walk away.  Because Bill stares straight through me when I can't stop laughing at something so serious. 


Yes, I am a freak. 

You learn real quick all the little habits your loved ones do that eventually crawl under your skin.  My latest laugh is when we turn the TV off to drown out the news and heartbreak. Next thing I know I'm hunkering down somewhere far away to eat my sandwich with chips and the crunch for SURE will drive any sane person crazy.  

Don't get me started on sipping coffee in a silent room.  I like want to toss a blanket over that person. HAHAHA!!


I can't watch the deaf translators.  you guys.  

Okay, I'm done.  Bye. 

Love you all, hang tough.  Don't hoard toilet paper.  Or beans.

Wash your hands. 

This Mama Lisa 

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