Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ebb And Flow.

Hello fellow Americans....

My name is Lisa and I had to hit the reset button yesterday.

On the brink of freakingthefuck out, I had to regroup and trust.

I am an Ebb And Flow panic type of person.  One moment I'm fine. The next moment my head spins in fear.  

I've been down some super scary roads. Roads with potholes, and roads with major uncertainty.
I keep reminding myself of my strength.
My job to inform, protect and nurture.

As they say, there's life before you go through something traumatic, and then there's life "after".

Never really wanting to be so strong my whole life, even though it's ingrained in my veins. 

I came out better.  I've never loved harder, and I've never pushed bullshit back faster.

I pushed the blankets off of me each morning.  Getting up to be strong and take care of what needs to be taken care of.

I'm hovering over Kris again.  Picking up meds, wiping each bottle, box and tossing the bag. 

This is a new chapter for all of us. 

Things I've learned this week-
-Every company I've ever purchased from has sent an email on how they're handling this sitch. #monkeyseemonkeydo
-Our media can become so twisted, so fast.
- I am not wasting any food in the fridge. LOL
-Toilet paper never looked so glamorous.
-Our healthcare workers are hero's. 
-The rain has never been so welcoming. 

We might be scared.  And we will come out scarred in many ways.  (hello, toilet paper hoarders you assholes) We'll maybe stock up on canned foods(my parents always did, however I really don't-lesson learned).

The anti-hand-washers might have learned a thing or two about cleaning hands and the importance of NOT TOUCHING YOUR FACE UNTIL YOUR HANDS ARE SUPER CLEAN- 

I've never laughed so hard at some of the meme's out there. oh my goodness, I roar. 

For now, we're hunkered down. 

For now, we're grateful we haven't received any bad news that someone we love is fighting this beast.

For now I am SO grateful for the FDA with over 10k Scientists' working around the clock to get meds and a possible vaccine to work.  You guys, this is AMAZING. 

Proud to be AMERICAN. 

Stay strong you guys-  This type of nightmare is something families in the fight have to walk through over and over again.  FEAR.  Truth is? THAT.....never goes away. EVER. 

Wash your hands. Don't lick your fingers. 

Mama Lisa 

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