Friday, January 10, 2020

When The Days Were Long....

If I could step back in time and offer my role of Motherhood a better recipe.  That's the funny thing about finding old pictures.  Sometimes there's little slivers of light, and sometimes there's also little slivers of sadness.  

My wonder always gets the best of me.  Memories of what I know now, with no clue back then of what I was doing. 

If I could step back and hug him more a little tighter.

If I could step back and whisper more love into his ears.

If I could be more present, versus rushed through parenting days and nights.

For those with little's my gentle reminder....

The days are long but the years go by way too fast.

I hope you all have a great weekend, spent with those you love.

Keep love, kindness and Faith, first.

My hugs have never meant more than they do now...

I love you Kris. 

This Mama Lisa

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