Thursday, January 9, 2020

Happy Birthday To Bill!

Happy Birthday my sweet beloved Bill. Also known as "handsome"-

You are a living example of success. 

You are the hardest working man I've EVER known. 

You've been dedicated to all those you serve, most importantly to us, your family.

You have given me more sweet and saucy moments than I ever expected to endure. 

I will stand tall for you because you've taught me what love feels like.

And you still claim me even when I wear hats that sit too high on my noggin.

Here's to the longest life together, to continuous growth, to finding the perfect spot to drop our anchor, to family celebrations.  To rooms filled with laughter around our friends...

You, YOU....are the best man I know. 

Wishing you a day filled with kind text messages.  A day filled with compassion from those that love you.  

Sure the cake might have too many candles to light -lol, but let's not count those.  Let's embrace the journey that brought you here.  To good health. - To good kisses.  To long hugs.  You give the best hugs.

I love you. 

So much. 

I love you. I love you, I love you.....


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