Thursday, January 16, 2020

And You Push.

I received a text from Kali this morning. A text filled with more anxiousness.  

Because when you're trying to keep your chin up in the corporate world, at the tender age of 23, you become overwhelmed with the pressure.

A goal set for a promotion.

Traffic to and fro...

Weekends that fly by.

Sunday night jitters.

Staying focused when your heart wants to blast off in a boat just like below.

The days were long and the years are short.

Both of these girls are hustlin-

Both of these girls are moving the mountains they were told they could.

Kali, you make mama and dad so proud.  You give me reason to push you even more. 

You can rule this position or you can let it rule you.  

Don't lose sight of the shore, and yet, never be afraid to set sail. 

YOU can do this!

The day we moved you back from college....

Blink your eyes......

Don't stop believing in yourself...

With love and so much admiration for your grit...



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