Thursday, August 22, 2019

It's There.

I had a friend point out that I shouldn't poke so much fun at my big nose I am so self conscious of...

I shrugged my shoulders softly (not literal, but mentally, because she is right)

And then one of our besties sent me this.

Add in cocktails and you'll be doused with a flaming red big nose. 

You're welcome.

And would I get a nose job? probably no.
Would I get a face lift?  probably a big hell no.

But I will continue to laugh at the honker for all the rest of my days.

Have a HAPPY Thursday!

May you laugh this hard, and sip a good dirty!

Or howabout you run after what you need.
Maybe that means a dirty, or maybe a dip in some water.

Or maybe just drink water.

Get crazy and add lemon.

Summer is slipping out of our hands here kids, hold on tightly.

Or maybe a long walk with no one but yourself  (my fav, hallelujah

Cheers to big noses! 

And red faces! 

Most of all, laughter.  

Keep laughing...

The big nose is there. 

And can we all just look at Bill's face here.....

K, bye....

This Mama Lisa

ps. And Kali when you read this post some day--do you have these earrings, I can't find them! hmmm

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