Wednesday, August 21, 2019

All The Laughs.

This made laugh harder than it should.

Hope you're all having a great mid-week moment.  As for me and my big nose, well, we're truckin' along.  Doing what most grown-ups do and work my tail off, spinning the dollar wheel, takin calls I truly don't wanna take, but have to take.  Typing emails faster than a popcorn machine pops popcorn, and counting down the hours until Friday.  My silver lining is finally making those tacos tonight with those 65 thousand dollar avocado's, because last night we thought it would be a grand idea to go to taco Tuesday with friends, then realized on the way home that us homie's can't play $$$$ like that on a mid week dinner, so this home girl must get-ta making her own tacos tonight.

First up, some sweet small kisses from Buckie and Skippy and a sweet hug from my boy Kris!

Hope you're all hangin' in there and your wifi is blazing fast!

Grant & Kali in Coeur d' Alene Idaho last weekend at a wedding-

And here's me a few weeks back locked in a room at a historical building setting up at a bridal shower....and if you ask if I started to panic?  The answer is yes.  yes i did.  Panic city. 

K, byeeeee...

Love, Peace and chicken grease. 

Wait, what. 


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