Friday, November 16, 2018


What are you plans for the weekend?

We'll work, but I am sure I'll bake some, and rest up some too...

These are made with browned butter...delish!

Recipe: Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats
Makes 16 treats
You’ll need:
1/2 cup unsalted butter, plus more for the pan
1 10 oz. bag marshmallows
6 cups Rice Krispies cereal 
Heaping 1⁄4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
Generously butter an 8 by 8 by 2-inch cake pan. (If you want to make it extra easy to pop out the treats, line the pan with parchment paper, leaving a 1-inch overhang on two opposite sides for easier lifting when the bars are done.) Melt the butter in a large pot over medium-low heat, stirring frequently with a silicone spatula, until it browns. The butter will melt, then foam, then turn clear golden with brown bits and start to smell nutty. Be patient and don’t wander away — the bits will go from brown to black quickly, and you don’t want black.
Turn off the heat as soon as the bits in the butter are a deep nut brown color. Immediately add the marshmallows and stir until smooth. The residual heat from the pot should be enough to fully melt the marshmallows, but if not, return the heat to low and cook until the marshmallows are completely smooth. Remove the pot from the heat and pour in the cereal and salt. Stir well to make a big sticky mass, then quickly scrape the mixture into the prepared pan. Flatten the gooey mix evenly with a spatula or buttered waxed or parchment paper, pressing into the edges and corners.
Let cool to room temperature, about 30 minutes, and cut into squares to serve. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

One of my favorite go-to's for a delicious smelling home...

Thankful for my love of cooking. My strength. My relationship with my birdies.  My best friends.  My tiny nose. HAHAHHAA.  My love of decorating.  My health. 

Good wine.

Good people. 

My favorite black bra I finally had to throw away.  You were a good feller. 
Sucker had my back, I mean boobies for a verrrrry long time. HA!
RIP black bra.  I will miss you.  Dearly.
Not sure I'll fall in love with another very soon, but I'm trying. 
Bra's suck. lol

And I can't say it enough.....

Good friends.  

Wishes for a peaceful weekend, good recipes, good pumpkin bread, and maybe, just maybe rice crispy treats!  

Dive in.
To Kindness.

It all begins with you. 


This Mama Lisa

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