Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Have You.

Does it cross your mind during the holidays of those around you in the midst of grievances?

Lately, I've heard and seen it more than ever.


Suffering the loss of a loved one recently, now walking through the memories of years passed.
The little sentimental traditions you did as a family.  The Thanksgiving dinner that came and went. 
The tree to put up.  And yet that person isn't here this year to do his trimming.  That extra hand in the garage to keep things in place. The phone calls.
The text messages.
The holiday parties.
Gathering at places you didn't really want to, but you did.
Because you were together.



Traditions changed.



One of my best friends is walking into the palliative care stage with her dad. Something she feared would evolve through the holidays.  A reason she booked their entire family up there for Thanksgiving weekend to say the hello's, and also the pages of this chapter she sadly, knows too well.

Shell-Bell, you can do this.  Your papa has been a strong man, for so so long.  

Christmas music.

Does it effect you?

I've had a hard time during this season for many years. Not sure where it stems from, but it jabs me in the gut. 

My heart aches for those aching.  

They say to count your blessings and love the ones you're with. 

And for that, I say, gather and love. 

Your choice to be distant. Your choice in your decisions. 

I'm sorry for you grieving friends. 

May you find some peace in the little parts of your day that feel special.  Even if it's a smile from a stranger.  

Or a good meal sitting in front of you.  

I hope you find and feel something. 




Driving home from work in the dark. bleh. 

Middle of the night praying sessions.





Best Friends.


I hope you can get through this season.

Reach out to those who need you the most.

They don't need gifts. 

They need time.

This Mama Lisa

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