Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Yes, And Yes.

It's hard to keep up with the topic of the day on social media.  One day it's pancake day, while the next might be margarita day.  International women's day rolls through, and this morning while I had the screen of light (ipad) shoved in my face, I thought, well dawgone, jump on the wagon girl. jk.

If there is one thing I am proud of, it's being a strong woman.  Also, raising one. 
Not so much the fight to be equal, because my point isn't so.
It's my pride in strength.  Meanwhile flourishing those women around me.

So cheers to you women out there whom make a difference.  You don't have to clock in and out to prove your worthiness.  It's the countless hours you've walked this Earth.  Providing.  Loving. Nurturing. Cooking.  Working. Preparing. Worrying. Nursing. Gardening. Helping. Teaching. 

It's because of you. 

Happy Wednesday friends!

I hope your health is good, and your heart feels full.  

This Mama Lisa

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