Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Days Of July

I hope you all soak up the goodness of this holiday weekend.  A nice stretch of days.  Although I can't shut out work, it's nice to be on our own.  To sit in quiet moments longer.  To read my book that is offering me some interesting post-thought moments.  Sipping a hot cup of coffee, learning to add ice  if and when it gets cold. Try it, you might like it.  You're welcome.

Great book for those folks that suffered through trauma.  As a child, or as an adult. I was lucky enough to battle through both. Still battling every week.  Something you should understand about I can grab a book, curl into a ball and read for hours. While other days it takes everything in my veins to focus.  I get off track, staring at walls, birds in the sky, or thoughts drench my mind.  
This book is rad.

Yearning to stop an ice-cream truck to grab one of these dudes...

Gosh, I can remember so perfectly sitting on the curb with my sister eating these.  Of course, I'd have red, white and blue streaming down my wrists faster than my sister.  She was always so clean.  Me, not so much.  Kali and Tori were the exact same way.  Kali's shirt would be doused with stains, while Tori, perfect.

The 4th of July is different for me as I've gotten older. Not really into the loud booms (animals hate it, so you know the stance I take -lol)  The pollution of grime that litters our sky....
I'd be okay without them...
Aren't these a flashback?  Snakes?  HA- Talk about pollution! Those flowers that made the most weirdest buzz across the sidewalk...

My co-dependent self is more worried about everyone getting burned now-a-days.  Animals scared. Veterans suffering from the booms and life they left behind.

My wish and happiness is gathering. 

Gathering with the friends we love so dearly. 

Smiling across a table at our birdies.  

Smiling across the table at Bill.  He'll watch me flutter around taking care of everyone. 

Giving me stink eye when the wine meter gets too high.  Love me some red, but man, that shit makes the world flip upside down in the middle of the night for me.  He's just tired of hearing me complain the next day....LOL!

Have fun you guys.  Call that uber.  Water your flowers.  Count the blessings in front of you. 
Try a new recipe.  Make a bouquet from the flowers and plants around you.  Trust me, look around, you have em.  

Don't these look divine?  Easier to make than one might think- do it!

Smile at the servers, serving you.  Especially on a holiday weekend.  Offer a compliment.
Make them smile from the inside.  And trust me, you'll feel it too.

And is it me, or does this look like Kristopher.  HAHAHAHA!  Can't stop, won't stop-

"Come back Skipper" 

God Bless America----

And God Bless these burgers...good lawrd. 

Have fun.

Be good.

Stay true.

And be grateful for what you do have. 

Happy 4th Of July!

Looking for something to do?

This Mama Lisa

Honey badgers

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