Saturday, October 27, 2018

If It Makes YOU Happy.

The transition of Kris moving back home in February is a story of its own.  It's a story of two humans that walked through a dark storm together closely, yet apart.  Mom and son. Two different homes.  Managing all I did but from a distance most days.  Making appointments, checking in on his meds, texting on how the day felt, and so on and so on. 

What you forget about the other, after living separate for almost 5 years. 
The little things you "forgot" about that human.

I have OCD.  He has dogs.  I have cats.  He has messes.  I have clutter, but "shoved in drawers" type of clutter.  He has sixty thousand shoes.  I have ten.  He goes through towels like a bandit.  I hold on to one for a few days (funny back story to towels, I've always been a freak about sharing towels, cuz..well, and now he's worse than me, so I take mine to my room-haha).  He has forty  like 6 bottles of shampoos.  I have two.  He leaves doors closed, I want them open.  He's cold, I'm hot.  He's buying candy and junkfood, I'm tossin'. LOL! 

You get my drift here right?

Fast forward quite a few months later.  He's feeling better.  He's got an itch for gardening.

For those that know Kris, when he dives into ANYTHING, it's 1000%.  Surfboards?  He has 7. 
Skateboards?  5.   Collectible cars as a kid?  60.  Fish tanks?  2 filled to the brim (I hated those things)  Spearfishing guns? 8.   Lures?  7000.  HAHA!  He has worked and saved for all these things as well.  Worth mentioning, because he's a prime example of saving, and working for what he wants.
Draining his savings while sick, he's back up and busting ass for his dreams.
#cactusforlyfe  #lol

Right now he's deep into succulents, cacti and gardening.  So much so, he's made friends with folks all over the world. 
Friends in Prague.  Germany.  Sweden.  
It's who he is.  Sharing his passion and knowledge with someone on the otherside of the world....
Bliss.  He's a brilliant human with an intelligence that would blow you away.  He knows more botanical topics than I would ever have imagined. 

Last weekend I was out of town. 

This is when he proclaimed "mom, I need to clear out the front planter by my window, it's full of spiders"-  Both kids HATE spiders.  LOL.  (by the way, it wasn't the spiders in my opinion, he just wanted to clear it all out)

I love greenery, shrubs, flowers and all that goes over the walls of anything.  Old house?  Cover that shiz with ivy. HAHAHA!

I came home one Monday to an empty flower bed.  I.V.Y  - G.O.N.E.  

My heart sank.

My ivy!

My little purple tree I planted 15 years ago.  Gone. 

My shrubs I adored.

He instantly shared apologies, but quickly covered them with all the ideas and plans he has for that big ol' planter.

As I woke the next morning I reminded myself of the hardships this life offers.  A guy that fought to stay alive for the last 4 years.  Not feeling good enough to shower some days, and yet the glory of the life TODAY.  THIS month.  THIS week. 




It's a planter Lisa.  

He's alive.

He's thriving.

He's not on the couch, but buried among cacti.  He's chatting with good humans across the world about the botanic mystery of these plants.  He's making friends in nurseries.  From here to Newport.  

Their durability, and yet their independent way of growing.  Some love to be close to others scrunched up, while others like their space.

Sounds familiar to our human spirit.  

Together, yet allowing space to grow. 

To allow them a chance to evolve on their own.  

Nothing stays the same forever.  


If it makes you happy.  Do it. Plant it. 

Change it.

Just keep trying....

Shout out to my littlest birdie and her amazing dude.
These two jumped out of college and into the work-ring. 
Making plans for their future one day and one step at a time.
Grants been traveling for work, selling like a boss, learning, thriving and doing what it takes to move forward in this big life.  Kali working at a company that offers interesting colleagues. Traffic for hours to and from. Learning the ropes of odd coworkers.  The hustle of day in and day out to pay student loans, save money and live within their means.  They're learning the maintenance of the weekend, and just how her mama's weirdo-ness of hibernating on Sundays to prep for the week doesn't sound as bad as it did.  
I am so proud of you two. 
I can't wait to see where your chapters go. 

Venice Italy October 2017

Keep on soaring.  You'll dip down, and back up's how you handle the dips. 

Sort through the odd, mean people, and look for the good. 
You make Dad and I so incredibly proud.

If I could step back for a day and kiss those salty sunblocked cheeks...xoxo 

(Even when you wouldn't let me call the car rental place last weekend where you left your "Beats" because "you're an adult"- I guess even Mama's need reminders. lol 48 and still being schooled! HA!)

Because in a mama's eyes, she still see's this. She still wants to hug and protect and cover you with safety. 

Love you both. 

Love you Kris.

I love you Tori Lynn! 

I love you Bill. 

I love the way you love me.  Your strength is heroic.

Wishing you all a really cool Saturday....

Need cacti advice?  Call Kris. 


This Mama Lisa

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