Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Happy Birthday Mom, You Fierce Libra.

Today is my moms birthday.  A day of shared texts' and missed phone calls.  A day where she'll most likely want to stand back from the bouquets of calls, ducking from the lime light. It's really who she is.
My dad will try to make it special, and yet she might discard it a little, as "Just another day"-
Or in the reply to my message..."Just a number babe"-

I've always wondered if she regrets not speaking what she really feels.  She does more now, than ever.

She's a true Libra. The balancing act.

She's one to say yes to something, and deep down regret it.

I can always remember sharing my moms age because she always looked so good.
She's been in shape for most of my life. 
She's a runner, and a go-getter when it comes to getting on her treadmill.

Something my dad finds funny because she sings out loud with headphones on.
Not sure if she reads this blog of mine, but one day when I called my dad he snuck just outside of the room where she works out, and let me hear.  So funny.  And really cute.

My mom wasn't always the mommy-mom-type-of-lady, but she provided the best she knew best. 
Falling into a relationship with my dad at the tender age of 15, she'd be pulled away with him in a young marriage.  He played in a band, so she was the one left behind to care for my sister and I.

She always dressed us well, fed us extremely well, and did the best SHE knew how.

Just look at those outfits, I mean, come'on. 

She was a strong tennis player.  She did aerobics like it was her job.  And wore those spandex two piece 80's outfits like it was also her job.
I can remember men flirting with her while out, and I was always the protector.
Back to those 70's/80's pervert days. 

My mom is loyal to her home. To her husband. To her animals. To her work. (Hard working woman)-

She shrugs off heartbreak and illness as "I just wanna get this over with" type of vibe.  

I hope my grandma and her sisters reached to her today.  I hope my dad made her day extra special. 

I sent my card with a note filled with things I want her to know I think of when I think of her.

Aside from that, she has beautiful soft skin.  Always tan, and always clear.  She can whip up the best pancakes in all the land.  I think it's the bacon debris left behind on the griddle.  Her butter always soft on the counter.  She is a clutter bug like me and likes knick-knacks in places that mean something to her. She has a scent of Gardenia, or sometimes coconut. 

She tends to a garden with all her soul.

Blessed are the trees and flowers that grow around her. 

She can whip around those mountain roads like a race car driver.

She has stood next to my dad through all the days.  

The loyal Libra I guess.

I wish I visited my mom more.  I wish she cared to visit me more too. 

The love is deep.  She's a mountain girl.

She's loyal to herself now, and for that I am grateful.

I'm grateful she's healthy and able.

My wish is that she continue to be the woman she wants to be.  To live the rest of her chapters with my dad in good health.  Safe from elements those mountains give.  That she find solace in the man that sits beside her, even on his hardest days.  I hope I make her proud of the mom I am, and the partner I am to Bill.  She's the one whom taught me to serve. To love and provide and give all you can in a loving spirit.  For love is what will keep us going.  

I think it's what has allowed her to keep going. 

Even during her hardest days, grieving a young adult hood she missed out on.  The days she mentions often to us, to our kids.  I hope she gets a small notion from the two daughters they raised that she did something right. 

And that is LOVE.

Happy Birthday Pam. 

The people born under the Sign Libra are kind, gentle and lovers of beauty, harmony and peace. However, in their effort to keep everyone happy, they find it difficult to say 'NO' to anyone, and as a result, they end up getting stressed. They have a lot of positive traits, but some negative ones, too.

Much love from her littlest birdie. The one that always tried to make her, and them laugh.

I love you Mom.

Lisa Lynn

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