Friday, September 28, 2018

My Personal Thoughts

My personal opinions and personal beliefs are shared in a humble way.  I speak the way my heart feels, and sometimes it may sway too far to one side.  Sometimes it sways to the other side.  On many topics. 

Social media fire storms spread faster than an actual fire. 

National Daughters Day?  By evening, everyone has posted their portraits.

National Dog Day? Boom.  Hundreds of pictures floating around. 

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE pictures of daughters, doggies, and donuts....

This recent movement of "Me Too", and highlighting the perverted crazy weird men AND women of this world...


How about we teach our children when they're young to do the RIGHT thing. 
How about we teach our children when they're young that they do not have to hug uncle Frank.  OR Grandma Jane.  How about we teach Grandma Jane and Uncle Frank to ask permission, and take the shrug of no as a firm NO. 
Don't get me started on kisses. Ew.

If someone forced you to push aside your own feelings and share affection with a person you don't want to, how would you feel?  

I am a bird from the 70's, and let me tell you what my sister and I experienced as children.  There were lots of hugs, lots of weird men at our house, some sitting with shorts so short their junk would blast out of one side.  I can remember feeling a tad bit victimized.  I can remember our dads friend "Gary" slappin' my sister on the butt as she made her way past him one afternoon.
All of that behavior excused as "Crazy Gary"-

We can stop this pattern now.  With our kids.  With our babies. With our grandkids. 
With our nieces and nephews. 

They don't want a hug?  THAT'S OK!

They're shy when they walk in?  GOOD!

This teaches them as young children that being groped as an adult is a huge NO-NO. 

This MAY also help the flaunting type to slow their rope.  Maybe control the drinks and keep alert of where you are and who you're with.  Protect your friends.  Here's an idea, stay out of bedrooms behind closed doors!!  Bingo!

And so the saga continues.  Politics drag out the obvious.  The obvious drag out the drama.

The hashtags start flying.

Social media storm yields all the opinions. 

This is mine.

And it starts with us.  Parents.  Providers.  Teachers of things in life. 


Talk about hugs.  Sex.  Kisses. Saying no to hugs.  Have a special code for things that are making them uncomfortable when they're little. 

Rape is real.  Sexual abuse is real.  Being drugged while out drinking and partying is real.

Teach them how to protect themselves and that speaking up is OK.  

YOUR BODY is YOUR body. 

No, is an okay word to use.  For anything.  Anytime.

We were made to be enjoyed.  We were made to be loved.  We were made to be welcomed.

Not abused.

But it's our right and job, to teach.  Teach em young friends.

Why do humans wait to bring out the dirt years later to expose someone just to fuck-em-up with shame.  Taught to speak up earlier?  Maybe that's a good idea in our teachings..?!

Know someone having a new baby?  Buy em' a book about this subject.

Know someone raising a new young baby girl or boy?  Share the tips of saying "no" to hugs they don't want to give.

Be the example this world needs.

I'm still shaking my head at the outfits my daughter walks into the room wearing some days.  

Trust me, the lacey bralette under her blouse showing all of the above is unsettling.  I pick my battles. 

Lately, this isn't one.  

Thanks for reading my rant. 

We aren't gonna always agree.  And we will not always like each other.  That's the good thing about the little X on the top right of this page.  You can always leave.  Trust me, sometimes I don't like myself.  And THAT'S OKAY.  HUMAN NATURE. MISTAKES.

We're human.

And I speak MY truth. My feelings.

With love,

Always with love.

This Mama Lisa

Please excuse me while I help my oldest bird file allll the necessary things to get back the things that were stolen from his car last night in Long Beach on Colorado (note to those living near by)-
Douche bag thieves still walk the streets day-in and day-out.  
He's one dude I wish the bad energy would just stay-the-fuck-away-from.



Raise your hand if you have a full moon hangover....

*hand raised



Let's do this.  One more long day, just thankful to be alive. And able. 

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