Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Changing Seasons For Reasons.

Last week I deleted my Facebook. 

Things I will miss:

Be The Match friends I've met.
Graft Versus Host Support Groups
Cute family outings of those I love.
Travel pictures of family and bestfriends.
Goals set, and met.
Healing bodies riddled with cancer.
Good advice from other families in the fight.
Good health care tips and help.

Things I will not miss:

Childish drama.
Fishers of approval.

Warning: Unsolicited advice:

Facebook isn't a place for therapy. *shocker*.  It's a place for fun moments.  Good times, through happy advice, or suggestions of places to visit. It's a place to find support groups that suffer from possibly the same disease you or your family members suffers from.  It's a place to share love, life, new opportunities and little side job willingness (Blake-your pet sitter idea is will be calling you) and goodness. Not politics, family drama, or child rearing suggestions.
That's your deal.
For your family.
Remember, build em up, don't tear em down. 

For now, I'll stick with Instagram.  

I'll stick with the portal of trying to "nail" the art of a good selfie.  HA!

Something I have NEVER been able to achieve.  

I can't take a selfie to save my life.

It's embarrassing to share how many times I've tried.
Let's not get started on how hard I laugh while doing so.
Like, pee your pants laugh.

All the LOLZZZZZZ-  This is everything.  The hair. The nose. The lips. The wtf.

Okay, I'm off my soap-box.  

For those that sent me a text or email this week asking if everything is "ok"-

I am fine...just forging through like I always do.
With the help of good friends, an amazing soul mate, two great kids, and some animals in the mix...all good-

Just the normal anxiety I suffer from.
Nothing new, and nothing old.
This is our new life.
And I am tough enough to stand up against it.
Praying works for me.

I pray like a warrior at 2am.


1. A stone after it's thrown. 
2. A word after it's said.
3. An occasion after it's missed.
4. Time after it's gone. 
5. Trust after it's lost. 

"Give God your weaknesses and He'll give you His strength"

For those that are walking in the land of pain, just be kind. Remember, hurt people, hurt people. They'll never change. 
And so in the midst of your anguish, sometimes the most you can give out is a smile.  Or even better....Kindness!

Lisa Lynn

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