Wednesday, June 14, 2017

This Guy Though.

Hola Amigo's and Amigettes....

It has been a long time coming since I've done one of my heartfelt posts in honor of this guy.
Typically I tend to save these sorts of gush for his birthday. Or Fathers Day, or...any other gush-filled day.  However, I thought today would be a good time to share a little about our life as of recent.
Here's a guy that has stood back in the shadows on the brightest days, and laid next to me in the darkest of nights.  When he broke his leg that night I truly didn't realize how much it would adjust the sails we thought we'd set. You know the summer-time sails you prepare to set. I can remember staring at one another at dinner back in April with dreams of just stepping away to the lake alone.  Sitting in the boat in our favorite cove. Cheering with our drinks. Smiling bigger because we truly feel any time we can actually step away from the nest for a long weekend, is special.  To set our phones down, only to check a couple times = Bliss

Things shifted. Sails weren't raised.  We still kept our oars out paddling like mad because that's just what you do in this life. We work hard. Very hard.  Mama working a little harder doing all the things I do for the person that I love and deserves to be taken care of.  Imagine not being able to put an ounce of pressure on your leg.  For months and months.  A piece of metal so big it makes your lover cringe when you ask her to look or gosh forbid touch the knee. Um, no.
I'd rather look at sometin' else, you feel me? HAHAHA
Sorry Kris, Kali and Jenny--just rattlin' some britches here.

 I've held a small violin in my fingertips at times when I'm being a tad bit sassy.
Key word- Tadbit. LOL
Eye rolls sometimes hurt, but they're so worth the dramatic effect.
Most always by days end.

We've barked at one another in exhaustion.
I've quietly mf'd him under my breath because words were lost in translation.
I can't sleep next to him, or be silly and move around too quick.
Last week was a rough one for me, and the week before that too.
He's not sleeping well, and this mama has been tossing for months and months...
I know we should call us the wambulance soon, but we never want to hear that siren again.
So instead I'll just keep sipping wine.  At this point, good or bad.
Wine cures all.
It actually does not.  It only covers up what the middle of the night unveils.
And so, the cycle goes around and around again.

Lets just talk about last week, and the week before that.
He watched me navigate the necessary doings of closing out a chapter for a human that gave us Kris and Kali.  He also watched tears stream down my face as I took some calls.  Or staring at me as I tried to figure out how to tell Kali.  On her birthday.  We'd decide as a unit what we thought would be best.  He sat perfectly quiet as I lost my shit on a baker over a silly cake.

A cake.

He's also watched me toss petty bullshit over my shoulder and out the window more lately than ever.
Allowing me my simple Sundays to cook and read a good book.
We've laughed through craziness, and most often decline outings we get invited to because the crowds or standing is just too much. We also cherish little moments more than ever now because I think we both feel like we're being tested.  I've fallen victim to self pity more than ever lately.
More likely just whatthefuckandwhythefuck is this happening.

Watching Bill wither through pain I never knew imaginable.
And yet, he'll still offer to rub my shoulder.
Or take me to dinner.

And so I write this note to you Bill.

You're one strong dude.
One handsome strong dude.
Your body, or shall I say those hot arms of yours.

Even when I had the peeing the pants episode laughing at you recently, I hope you forgive me.
Although we both think the same thing about laughter.
How laughter is good. (I can hear you saying this to me when I have that smirk on my face that you so badly want to wipe off, and so you'll say "honey just laugh, will you"!)
Mwaaaaaaaaaaah! yea, I just kissed you.

Not sure you'll agree with the peeing the pants part, but was so funny to see you that mad.
At me.

A note our daughter sent to me over the weekend will hopefully shed light on your beautiful soul.

--Right now you might be in a situation that you think you won't survive, but six months ago you were in a situation that you didn't think you'd survive, and two years before that you were in a situation you didn't think you'd survive and the point is you will always surprise yourself and you will always make it through--

I say this to both of us.  Maybe you can remind me when I'm walking around with a sass in my step. Or tears welling up in my eyes and you're trying to figure out why.  Like when I mention boating and summer time stuff, and you just stare at me.

I get you.  And I am so thankful you get me. In time with someone you begin to appreciate a deeper aspect of love. I know your tenacious heart, and hard working ways.  I am so grateful you're alive.  I am grateful to not stand over a hospital bed, pushing that green button to shut the iv cart up.  I am thankful I don't have to chase down nurses to help me help you.  I am thankful you are my patient, even at times when I try to push the crutches in the back seat and they don't go easily and I murmur fuck. But you just wait, and we smile at one another.  Or how quickly we find the best seat in the restaurant to help stretch your leg out.  

Today is pushing 7 weeks for you.  7 weeks of a different life. 7 weeks that feel like 751 weeks. 
Yet you just keep hammering those crutches around. 
Never thought watching you put underwear on would be so humorous. 
Never thought our "following your efforts" instead of "following your dreams" would ring so true and make me laugh so hard.
But who needs underwear anyway, right?

My point here is I LOVE YOU!

And I am so lucky to love you.

You will forever be my handsome dude.

Even with them crutches...

Thank you for helping me stand tall with your soul just like crutches to me.

Gush rant over.

Thanks friends for listening...and possibly throwing-up a little in your mouth.

We're halfway to Friday, can I get a Hallelujah, AMEN?!

Peace out lover bugs..

Stay kind.
Always kind.
Smile at strangers, I promise you'll make this world a better place.

Mama Lisa

ps-Breaking News my friends Sandy and Jeff received this wonderful news today!
And to you Shelley and Madison. Your love, and support for him is infectious!
So stoked!!


Our love and best wishes to you honey, we can't wait to watch you bloom-

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