Thursday, April 6, 2017

Timeless Metal. Timeless Love

Scrrrreeeeeechhhh.....and she slides in to third-base with a whirlwind of a week again.  Not sure why or how the days fly by so fast, other than the grind of work, life, and just surviving.  Is it me, or do you crawl out of bed on Monday feeling like Friday is so darn far away, only to blink your eyes, and it's Thursday.  My favorite day of the week, Friday, is so so close.  Last weekend Bill and I snuck out to Del Mar for Good Guys Car Show.  Talk about a sweet venue.  And such AMAZING cars and trucks.  I literally found myself stuck to some.  Standing there with amazement.  While others I'd scratch my head.  "Hey buddy, whatever floats your boat"-  

My belief however, is whatever makes your heart full, chase it. And never stop.  We bolted down the 405 fwy at 6am, with smiles at one another because this truck has no windows.  Although I was wrapped up like a mama burrito, blanket covering my legs, the minute we hit the coast all I could do was laugh.  Hair everywhere.  Dressed like an eskimo.  Chasing dreams. Chasing the need for business.  Chasing the desire to get Gaylord's the recognition it so much deserves.

The sweet part of pulling into these shows are the ol' guys that always approach Bill.  The same sweet question.  "Do you know Gaylord"?   The sweet reply...."That's my Dad!"...and then the stories start. 
Every single ol' guy has the most interesting stories.  
Those stories fill our day, all day.  At every show.  I'll never stop enjoying their faces as they realize their talking to Gaylord Jr.  

It's just sweet goodness.  To say Gaylord will be 90 next month blows me away.


When I booked the hotel a few months ago, I had no idea where Torrey Pines really was.  I do know that I research the hell outta hotels before we stay.  (You all know my gig with hotels-LOL) What I COULD tell was it was situated close to the beach.  And it was close to our babes.  Kali and Grant. 

So we'd meet up with them later for dinner. 

Kris drove out for the day.  I had my fix of Kris all day, then Kali and Grant for dinner. 

You know how you review your weekend in a nutshell?  I kept saying, my heart was so full because I had both kids in one day.  In another far away place. FULL HEART!

After we left Kali and Grant, we headed back to our hotel, (this mama was exhausted)...we'd make our way past this street that dropped directly to this grassy knoll area.  I hammered at Bill to hurry and pull over so we could run down and catch this.  What was so wild, everyone sitting or standing to watch ol' beautiful sun tuck away for the night, was in complete quiet.  All you could hear was 
the ocean in the distance.....

It's moments like those that take my breath away. It's moments like a sunset, and the still of those around me.  Smiling, or hugging just after it sets.  


The hotel we stayed at was having a fundraiser. Glitz and glamour arrived with everyone carrying a stuffed bunny.  The dresses were gorgeous, as were the people.  
Twas the perfect place for people watching at the end of our night....

Do yourself a favor and visit Torrey Pines friends...I promise you won't be disappointed.  
Dinner with our littlest birdie...

Meanwhile this feller was battling some tummy issues this week. The weaning of those steroids are no joke.  As a matter of fact, my email to his doctor would be, let's try this another time. He needs weight on his bones.  

  By the salt, and by the sea.....even with this straight face. LOL

In two more days, this girl will wrap up one of her biggest accomplishments!  


And then, let's go grub out on some french fries, ok?!

Boom! Happy Thursday kids...go have fun, and go spread love...

This Mama Lisa

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