Monday, April 13, 2020

The Different One.

How'd your Easter go guys?

I fell down a rabbit hole -haha no pun intended, but kinda.....

No Easter baskets here. No fancy dinner.  

I made tri-tip tacos, rice and radishes. 

A different holiday of sorts....Some moments of sadness would wash over me so I did what every sentimental chick does while on her shark week and start scrolling through pictures.  Oh boy....

Text messages with friends and family- 

I laid in bed staring out the window thinking about all the Easter mornings I spent making special for my birdies. 

I made Kris' favorite Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast before packing his car with the goodies I grabbed at the store before he'd head back to reality. 

Missing Kali so so much. 

Overwhelmed with gratitude that she has Grants family that love her and wrap their goodness of love around them. 

Fear lingers all day and all night.  Knowing I'm not alone. It's just that possible "one phone call" from someone you love.  

I read conspiracy stories.  Some make sense. Some are just outright ignorant.  This virus is real. Whether we want to blame others or not.  It's real. 

We'll all come out of this better people I truly believe.

Some will have loss. 

Some will have heartbreak like we've never known before.

I fear that moment.  But I also keep trying to find silver linings. 

Easter 2020 will go down as a strange one.  

....Silver linings kids.  Silver linings.............

Without further adu, here's a peek back at some Easter memories--- 

And if you wonder if some of these are NOT Easter, you're right.  They still make me smile. 

 That honey badger smile on my face.  Woah....



 My Everything. 
 Plus him. 

 Miss those days....
 Helicopter ride over our house in Havasu.  
 10 years ago...
 Don't blink....

 HAHAHA Some hit it, some poke it! London I love you!

Thanks for slipping away down my picture hole.  These fill my heart with so much happiness.

Things have changed alot.  In my soul. In my heart and in my family.  But one thing I know for sure, is memories will always be my beacon of strength. And of love. 

Wishing you all a good week.  May you stay safe and well. 

This song is one of my favorites- So fitting to hear it yesterday morning -  


This Mama Lisa

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