Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Five-O Observations

I almost typed out the word Quarantine.  And then I ALMOST typed out the word Covid...AND THEN I realized I'm growing weary on all those words.

To say our lives got flipped sideways is an understatement.  Don't get me wrong I count my blessings each hour and day we slide by without losing or fighting for our loved ones -

I keep trying to find the silver linings or whatever positive way we should look at this monster.

I've cleaned every cupboard, folded clothes like Marie Kondo. I've even ironed.  You guys....I don't iron. The only thing I have not done is bake a motherfraken banana nut loaf. I swear if that is one thing that makes me cringe.  Shows just how sheeplike we are in this social media driven life. 

I have made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies in my new big mixer the kids bought me for Christmas.  Very gratifying I must add.  As I added the ingredients and that bowl thing turned as the mixer did its job I was mesmerized. Before you know it, voila.  Dough. 

Last year I bought this eye lash serum to make my eye lashes grow...what I didn't realize is that stuff ALSO makes them fall out.  I've decided to give my lashes a break right now while sitting in ugly zone and wearing minimal makeup.  My brows are a different story.  Talk about sparse. 
No one told me those fellers would start acting up during the Five-O saga. One person told me it's stress, while others say a deficiency.  Either way it sucks nuts. I eat very healthy and I juice on the regular to ensure my body intake is gathering more than just fermented grapes.

So lets take a step back to my fiftieth.  I received some of the most wonderful cards. Gifts thought out by friends near and far.  My friend Kerri in Oklahoma sent me a "Make Fifty Great Again" hat. Bill's sister sent a mug painted with my besties.  That little four pack I miss sitting across at our weekly Happy Hour with. 
My mom and dad sent a garden light up Orb Ball thing that turns different colors in the garden at night.  The kicker to that was receiving it in a box stuffed safely inside with a whole roll of paper towels ensuring its safety.  Not sure they had a shortage up there, but it certainly made me chuckle. 
My best friends gathered in Seal Beach for me in a giant circle (keeping our distance) showering me with Mexican food and love. And wine.  2 of the 6-pack bought me my favorite whiskey and two glasses that say Vintage 1970.  Pure love! Not to mention the amazing bottles of wine and Champs! 

There are moments in this chapter that make me feel like maybe what we all needed was a RESET. Maybe we all needed to slow down a bit.  I read a post on my cousins IG account this morning (Hey Mindi) that talked about the switch up from being a teacher, coaching her 3 kids in all sports...those little humans play soccer, baseball, basketball, football, ping pong, badmitton jk....but you know what I mean...her and Chris are amazing parents.  Juggling it all. It came to a screeching halt.  
You know where they are today? Camping.  At Lake Shasta.  Hiking. Loving and living a slower life. 

To think of the money we're saving from eating out.  The healthy value of food coming from our hands and kitchen (although I miss my fav restaurants and bars to sip a martini or good glass of wine). 

My cousin texted me yesterday reminding me that I need to sign up for Zoom to celebrate our grandma's 89th birthday next week.  A part of me wants to steer clear of that situation.  I want to call my grandma or visit her when this is over.  But to expand more media during a time that "I"  believe was meant for us to slow down....

I'm working on healing myself in books and a new set of thoughts.  

For years I've worked super hard.  Raising two humans. Fighting for the life of one.  Guiding the other in womanhood and the life that is NOT ALWAYS easy but worth giving the best shot you got.

This Chapter.

I've texted friends and laughed out loud more than ever. 

I've went on walks listening to my old school punk rock through the neighborhood here in Havasu chuckling inside at the retired folks doing their daily routine.  
Grappling with the fact that this is our new life.  If they could hear what's filtering into my ears. 

I gave Bill a haircut on Sunday morning and had to stop twice to go laugh and hold my crotch so I wouldn't pee my pants.  I seriously have the sillies at the worst moments.  We knew going into the salon session that I'd most likely fold into asshole laugh mode.  BUT, he looks so handsome! He took the clippers from me 3 times and told me to "git" HAHAHA!  

Anyway...this is life!  The heels of my feet look like swapmeet feet.  My cuticles are in line with a construction worker.  I get nervous? Peel away. 

I wanted to give a shoutout to my friends Kerri and Kevin Lusk.  These two are couriers for Be The Match. They travel the world to pick up Cells for Bone Marrow Transplants. During these circumstances they are there. They fly over the pond, and across our states. Each time she lands or takes off she lets me know they've been delivered and I ALWAYS look up to the Heavens to thank our God for these living Angels. She can't tell me where she is or the details, but during the last month they've made 4 trips. 


I hope life is treating you guys well.  Whatever room you feel at peace in, go there.  Get out and go on walks.  Wash your hands and good luck if you have to cough or sneeze while grocery shopping.  It happened to me, and of course, I ALMOST had one of my laughter attacks. 

Peace out.  Let me get back to my old pictures.  Adding some to our photo albums and tossing lots away too- Felt so good!  Later nerds!  

 Honey badger doesn't give a shit. LOL

This Mama Lisa

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