Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lisa's Advice For The Week.

Within the last couple of weeks I've taken more calls than ever about bedcovers that have been broken into. If not broken into, then jimmy'd and bent up pretty bad.  

My bestie was in Scottsdale last weekend for a sales call and had her rental car broken into.  Samples for collegiate sales was the belongings they stole. 

Our neighbor has video footage of a guy walking car to car with his black hoodie up, trying to get inside of the cars out front. 

The app Next Door has numerous messages and reminders for us folks to be on alert. 


My sweet sugar baby birdie had left her sunglasses in her car at the beginning of springtime. Parked at Don the Beachcomber- A nagging mom reminding her that this type of thing allows for broken windows and pried open doors. 

Anyway.....listen up kids...!  Be alert!  Don't leave valuables in your car!  
From documents, sunglasses, camera's....

Drug addicts and those creeps that lurk the streets at night have no other means to obtain valuables.

They wake up when we are sound asleep.  Each night, each car, each home....is their income. A quick drug fix. 

Who knows what this reminder could do for you.  But if it helps one friend, human or family member think twice tonight about crime, and be a little more conscious, well, good!

You're welcome!

And if you've been violated recently...I'm sorry-  Those shenanigans will always be there...it's how we try to prevent it. 

This Mama Lisa

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