Wednesday, August 8, 2018

No Plans Are The Best Plans

This last weekend, Saturday to be specific, was one of those days that started off perfect, and ended even more so.

Friday night was a wild one...Bill made us a big bowl of popcorn and we popped on Netflix and chilled. (that's what he said)- jk.

Lazy fest. And I was sound asleep by 9pm. Crazy rebel, I know.  A good nights rest to me is
My adrenaline had pumped so hard on Thursday, topped with good wine with Rox and Maria on Thursday, I was gonzo the minute my head hit the pillow on Friday evening.  #rockstar #eatallthepopcornbill

Saturday morning Bill and I were up as the sun rose (actually he before me, because I was so so cozy) so we decided to paddleboard around a bit before hitting the LB Boat Races.  A place we both enjoy to our core.

It was our amazing idea to get there when the gates open because this silly mama wanted to save a spot for our big bird from the sun and under an umbrella before the crowds.  #mamahero  #heshowedup5hourslater  #whatever

We were there for a good time....

And that it was.....

We came home with a trail of friends and family following us.  

Those conversations that go something like..."well, whatcha guys all doin', lets just join back on our dock and hang there"-

Before you know it, we had a dock full. 

No plans that were set days before.

Just hours before.

And if you ask me, it's always the best plans.

Was glad to spend some time with you guys!  

A house full of smiles, laughter, good music, guitar playin' while we sang along with smiles you'd catch between others.  The goodness on a warm summer evening...
The next morning, and empty house.  Just Bill and I.  Wiping up a sticky counter, crumbs from the snacks we all just pulled together.  A dock that held over 10 people on it laced with red wine spillage.
The distant memory of John and John strummin' their guitars as we all sang along...
Just like's a memory...

We all go back to life.  To work. To responsibilities and the things we're called to do. 
Mentoring. Mothering. Driving. Working. Sorting.  Preparing.

Last Saturday was a sweet slice of goodness for my soul. 

I'm glad we can share a slice of whatever goodness we can.

Even if it's just a big smile across a white tilted plastic table on the dock, with soggy wet feet and sticky frizzy hair. 





For me, that is love.

I hope you're all doing okay...

Or at least, I hope you're at peace with your decisions.

This Mama Lisa

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