Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Another Year Floating Around The Sun

Today is my forty eighth birthday.


I was born at 4 in the morning.

To parents that didn't name me for 3 days.

No real fault or harm, after all, I wasn't in the plans for my parents.

Created 9 months after my sister was born.

She wasn't in their young plans either. 

I was also not breastfed because that's not what they did in the 70's (so I'm told)

I was a very independent little human.

Smiling the minute I woke, and talking until I fell asleep.

Learning things on my own, often trying to teach my sister.

An Aries they say. 

I was a dreamer.

Still am.

I'm feisty when pushed.

A true lover at heart.

A take no bullshit type of girl, yet will wrap every bit of my heart around those in need.

Animals and elderly on my top priority.

I work hard every single day.

My biggest achievement is raising two humans.  To be good humans.

Every year my birdies ask "Whatcha want for your birthday mama?"

The same thought rolls through my head.

I wish for good health, my babies healthy, safe, and at peace at where they are right now.

I wish that those around me suffering could have pieces of their souls stained with goodness.
Or at least moments of "This will pass"

I don't really need anything-
Of course there's those moments when I remember "ohh that cool new flat iron, or a big new curling iron".

If someone cut me loose in Marshalls, Home Goods, or Ross for an afternoon....

I search back at pictures, like this one walking into a new year 2013...not knowing what would unfold.

My wish for myself is compassion. 
More forgiveness.
More patience (I totally lack patience) Bill is nodding his head as he reads this some day.

I wish for peace around my family.

I'm not the blow your candles out, sing to me type, but I truly love and appreciate any prayer, good wish, or positive thoughts sent my way.

Especially the notes from my parents. 

My mom especially. 

She found it hard to compliment me as a child, and yet as an adult, she praises me in text messages alot.

My dad is more of my anchor.  

Sending me the positive love and good thoughts more than ever.

Many times I wish I could sit across from them on my birthday and just hear more childhood stories.

About me.

Today on my birthday I am enclosed in a home we work so hard for.  Next to a man that is my best friend.  My confidant.  My understanding human to not sing to me on my birthday.  To serve me a good margarita.  And perhaps take me out for a good dinner. The one that understands my need for complete quiet.  Also the one that gets me when I blast the stereo to my favorite jam.
Today we are listening to my favorite Italian Classical throughout the house (not his very favorite) but mine.  And I work while candles burn.  A view to make you sit back down and just reminisce about what you work for.  Neighborly waves, then tucking back inside for peace.  And quiet. 

We wake early and sometimes toss and turn all night.  But we know we have eachother.
We know what the other is worried about.  In turn, always giving away hugs to help the moment pass.

This year, and for hopefully many more, I pray that I am able to love others. And to continue a path of kindness.  Of understanding.  Not in search of a perfect life, because those don't exist.  But for harmony of healing, and puzzle pieces making sense in our journey of hard work. 

I hope that by example of nurturing those in sickness, or troubled health, that I am strong enough to help make a difference.

I hope that we can get away more for times of solitude.

I hope to be able to catch more sunsets in this life.  Sharing the view with people I love.

I hope I don't wear shirts that show my bra like this

I hope I learn the lessons of 3 martini's.  Because 3 bite hard the next day.  Lisa should stay at a 2 max. 

I hope I can dance when a good song comes on.

I hope I remember to not wear this pink trucker hat again.

Woah.  Woah. Woah.  That jacket Kali....

Forty Eight Years of floating around the sun.  Floating in and out of good times, and bad.  Remembering in the tough times that they don't last.  

I am surely soaking up some rest.  My good book.  Sunsets, wind, sunshine and good drinks.

Happy Birthday to me.

All my love, and the biggest cup of PEACE to you.

Remember, things pass, but the feeling of LOVE always stays in us forever.

Keep spreading smiles.  And compliments.  This world needs you.  And them. 

To Kris and Kali....I love you.  I am grateful to have your love. The only place I'll love you more is in Heaven someday. 

This Mama Lisa Lynn.  
Birthstone : Diamond
Element: Fire
Color: Red
This Day: Tuesday

This is so funny to me:

Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday my beautiful niece. Your beautiful inside and out. I love you with all my heart. Your aunt Lyn ❤