Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tori the 8th Grader! Beautiful girl!

This night in Havasu was probably one of the best Lightening storms we've ever seen. The girls sat out with us watching from a distance. Look at these long legs....
Not often do I get to lay in our pool and just read. Usually we have visitors, family and friends to entertain, and party with. This weekend I had about 6 good magazines, lots of time, and Bill out tinkering in the garage in the boat....I floated, and floated and floated.. LOVED IT! Here I am in this cove we call "Birdie Cove" We just found it, and it's tucked away...not too windy, and lots of different birds. We seen Sea Gulls, ducks, little black birds, those big Arizona black birds. Funny as we looked around, they were making their little camps for the night... But that in my hand..? That's a Corona with lime. yum!

Here's Kali and Tori rockin their new hats. Cutiepatooties!

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