Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Laughing At Two Thousand Twenty.

2020 LOL- Yo what's up cool cats?!

Thriving?  Surviving?

Slowly dying?

I guess we are anyway...right?

That's for damn sure.

What started out as a new chapter for us has been chapter(s) filled with goodness, fear, laughter, tears and excitement. 

From learning what masks feel most comfy, to walking through stores with my silly laughter just staring at all the fellow mask wearers.  

Always wondering what it would be like if you were dropped down in the middle of July 2020 from exactly a year ago.

But isn't that what and how life works?  One minute you're planning a new adventure in the future, and one shift and it all comes crumbling down.  I imagine the girls planning their weddings. Or a new baby on the way and only one person allowed.  OR to really spice things up in the fear department, imagine jumping into the ring of the fight for your life.  Alone. 


I'm sure you all have some of the same moments.  Like me, maybe some days of certainty.  While others just straight out fear?

I've tried to remain super optimistic, even though my plate is once again overfloweth. 

Nothing I can't handle.  And nothing my strength and faith can't pull me through. 

Although 2am, my body acts like world war 4 is about to start. 

So....where do we start?

Take it back to Fathers Day?  mmmk Here's my handsome dudes.  A quick trip from Newport to the island for lunch.  Kris' good friend Austin and his papa.  
Made for a nice day for them....

We jaunted back to Havasu for a few weeks....and then back again. 

Bill booked my favorite hotel for my 50th- Monarch Beach Resort back in April but a reschedule for covidbovid happened.

So July it was!

Masked up!

 Smokin hottie! 

A weekend alone to much fun together! 

(Birthday celebration with my besties)

We drifted back in time for Bill's Orthopedic appointment.  And appointment he's put off for years and YEARS.  He's finally ready and has been in so much pain for years with his hip.  

A date set. 

Getting it fixed. 

Along with his femur rod that has been really really hurting him...

The closer the date gets, the more anxious we're becoming.  I can't go advocate for him.  I have to drop him off and wait for the surgeon to call me to tell me he's okay.

A new chapter. 

A new chance. 

A walker ready.  An all too familiar system we'll navigate through.  We'll flip the pages like we've always done.

Kris is moving to Havasu himself.  All of this happening in the next month. 

Don't blink.....

So much. SO MUCH to wade through.

I keep telling myself, over and over again....we'll get to the other side.  Hopefully his pain will decrease. 

Hopefully they'll give him some length on a side that has since I've known him, hurts.

From shoes with extensions on em, to moving around in every day life.

It's time. 

So on Tuesday if you're the praying type, or one that meditates for good juju.  Think of my handsome. 

I'm sure I'll be a nutty nut, but hopeful.  It's my word.

I've been cleaning out cupboards for a big move and the trend on many of my mugs that I gathered shortly before donating them had the same words written on each. 




I was reading a trend in that cupboard.

Crosses adorn my walls with FAITH scribbled on the side. 

As they say, when one chapter closes, you keep flipping for the new one. 

What Bill and I have built together is a team.  A bond of strength.  

And he'll be up and at em sooner than later!

So three cheers for Bill-- HIP HIP HOORAY... !!  Feeling alive again is tremendous for his soul.  Being restrained for so many years in pain, in less mobility and in full work mode busting butt for his future.  

It's time.

Get behind me kids.  Let's sip good wine.  Hug tight. And share smiles.  Hopefully folks can see that smile in your eyes with your masks on...

Never EVER stop spreading compliments-

This world needs them more than ever. 

With sweaty palms, tears in my eyes some moments, but lots of HOPE in my heart.

It's what I was made for. 

And with that, we'll talk later?

Wash your hands.

This Mama Lisa

Lord, please protect my love, my partner for life and soul mate on this Earth. May they have the wisdom to fix him.  

And one for the road....Oh my sweet Kali....

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