Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Things I love.

Slowly but surely we're awakening from a strange season.  A season of questioning.  A season of cleaning.  A season of coming together in ways we'd never knew would be possible.  I will forever be grateful for my birthday video filled with loving words from my friends.  And family. I will never forget the thoughtfulness that sprouted those words from kind and loving humans to me. Words that are often kept for the days when you leave this earth, versus expressing them now. 

The driveby birthday parties, and posters, and kindness to celebrate birthdays, graduations, accomplishments, hospital discharges and victory.   

I mean, looking down the lens of a silver lining scenario, this would be it. The sweet moments.  Right?

My thoughts on this virus are maybe like some of yours.  And yet, we mask up.  We wash up extra. It's been my way of life for a very long time.  What makes me most happy is to see those I love take the precautions of washing hands, not touching face, NOT licking fingers, etc. 

I have my belief of masks in public, and most especially people wearing those gawddamn gloves out and about.  Stop. 

And guess what?  You don't have to wear a mask in your car! I promise.  You'll be okay alone. 

The litter I see on my beach right now? Gloves, masks, and most especially the thugs that come down to seek sand, water and the ocean air with bottles of beer left behind. 

The sweet silver linings will outlast the dirty.  The moments spent cooking together, and trying new recipes will for sure outlast the hard and very trying moments. (for instance, I literally had to leave the room if Bill was eating. Just the chewing was sending me over the fucking top LOL) 

I've been spending my time between the desert and coast.  I have dove deep into decorating.  It's my way of peace. 

I gather with my besties.  We sip wine and laugh lots.  I sneak over to my birdies house to feed, drop a meal prepared with love.  I clean for him.  I love to cook for both. I purge and organize.  

I love hard in ways that only a mama's heart knows.  I still pick up meds, wipe em down, and deliver. 
I sling emails to our oncology team with hopes of a continual decrease of such meds.  (Kris had a really rough week a couple weeks ago.)

Every day I am grateful for the man I share my life with.  His years and years of hardwork is still an adjustment of a new schedule.  He only knows to work, and work hard.  We kind of laughed the other day because now we sort out a days worth of errands, spread out for a week.  

I've walked the beaches alone praying. Crying some moments. Not out of sadness, but mostly out of the new way of life.  My hormones and body are changing.  I am leaning into change, and I am steering away from evil. (Boy did we learn alot about ex-family members and just how evil and spiteful some can be- One thing about me, don't confuse my kindness as ignorance.  I see you, and I see right through you all....I pity your rotten souls.)

I hope you're all doing okay....remember --You control the door, close it when you need to. 

Don't ever EVER forget your worth.  This life is too short. 

I started my front porch switch up.  Still have a ways to go, like change the wood on my bench I found in the trash, along with a new stain...

I received this in the mail from our good friends Jim and Rosa- I literally cried with happiness! They know me so well! 

Our first cocktail at Foxes on the Colorado River a few days after re-opening.  Classic rock-n-roll playing in the background....smiling at Bill eye to eye because it's a favorite spot of his.  

I jammed home for a week to soak up some ocean air.  An early morning walk on the beach alone.  Praying and smiling at the zen I feel when I feel salty ocean air against me.  

My Target phone quality, but still.....LOL

An impromptu gathering at my besties house to sip wine and hang with our daughters.

You know those unplanned moments that turn out to be the best.....

Mothers and their daughters....LOVE! Plus Tucker and Hank!

 My own pedicure kit.  womp womp

A visit to Maria's home to shower her with love after she'd had a pretty rough week. 

Plus Oliver ..............Cutie pie!

Maria's husband Bert is always the hostess with the mostest.  Like playing old rock-n-roll albums on their record player.  MORE LOVE!

We spent Memorial Day Weekend on the dock, or somewhere in between our homes.  Such a fun weekend! 

Madison, Kaitlyn, Kali and Bianca.....

A "Half-Pack" gathering of just us girls on Monday.  Sipping champagne and creating an amazing meal.  Over 20 years of friendship, and we've never bbq'd or made a dinner as us 3.  

Most importantly leaning in to the new perspective.  I can't get with the new normal verbage. But I can say I appreciate the slower processes.  The time spent with those we love.  The reality of those we've walked away from.  A new chance to stick closer to those we know won't betray or mislead us. 




Remember:  You hold the door.  Close it when you need to. 

Wash your hands, and soak up some sunshine and water...wherever that may be.  It's good for you. 

This Mama Lisa

This little girl turns 24 on Friday!
Don't blink!

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