Friday, July 27, 2018

A Few Roll Their Eyes.

There's a FULL MOON  a'risen kids! 

Dawned on me this morning while on the freeway and a guy was close enough to pull my hair ridin' my bumper and so I checked to make sure my brakes were workin' okay...causing a tall finger in the middle of his hand to fling out the window,  I then soon realized..."hey the full moon must be close"-

July 27th, 2018.  The beautiful part, it's FRIDAY!
Flip me off all you want Broooo, we're all just trying to get this shift shit done and back home anyway!

If you're in the beach area, the grunion will be runnin strong tonight at 9:00pm ish--

The thing about full moons, is some folks believe they cause a raucous and some don't.

Bill is one of those that rolls his eyes at me.  His mama was a sweet believer in superstition and so I often wonder if he's just putting up a front with me on it.  I'm quite sure he's witnessed some assholes the last couple of days.  The question is, does he think of the moon, or just disregard it as just an asshole.  

Wine helps in this situation kids.  So sip wine.  Just don't tailgate people and then flip them off when they wanna make sure their brakes work.  Because, well,  #TAILGATERS SUCK.

Any fun plans for the weekend?  

Tonight, we'll be here.  Bonfires night!  

Guess what I have planned in the morning?  LAUNDRY.   jealous, aren't  you?

Because I've been putting off running the dryer, the love is overfloweth in the towel department. 

And guess what else I will do?  I will go to my besties Garage Band Party.  A place we gather every summer dancing to classic rock jams from Shelley's garage.  It's where neighbors and friends gather. Getting caught up. 
A little highlight of my summer I look forward to.  Simple. Full of goodness.  Good food, good drinks and lots of chattin' with those we love!

We'll probably be out cruising in out hot boat too...

It's my favorite place lately.

Away from so many things...

Have a great weekend kids...

Go pass out kindness.  And if you can't pass out kindness, well shoot for a big smile at a stranger.

Trust me, it works. 

And keep your finger to yourself. 


This Mama Lisa

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