Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kali's 8th Grade dance March 25, 2010

I volunteer to help with certain events, for one, to help, for the other to check everything out...and try to capture memories that she will one day want to look back on. I had strict orders, to stay out of the dance area. Which I did. I served cookies and drinks. However, quite a few mom's peeked their heads in to "take pictures"- I grabbed the opportunity too! I will ALWAYS remember my 8th grade dance. Slow dancing to Journey. And feeling that nervous feeling waiting to see if I would even have that chance. This the calm before the storm... The mom's getting prepared. My sister in the polka dot dress on left. So nice to stand with her, capturing memories of our girls together. conservative Kali....was dancing with a guy...which rolled into a bump and grind...down to the floor, and they got caught by Mr. Platt and put against the wall for a "time-out"- Ok, I found it funny considering Kali, whom lectures her friends to be respectful of one's self. Shame on you Miss. Kali. Dad, if you're reading this, I'm sure these dances aren't like the ones you and Mom went to.

Drop it...drop it...low girl... The DJ played great music, lights, disco ball and the works.

WHERE'S KALI? I never did see her in there...I would snap and walk away. Cute to see this mom in there chapperone'n. Imagine what she's thinking.. Better yet, what her kid is thinking. hahaha.

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