Friday, November 20, 2020

Time Slips By.

 Just as most, or all of you, I am exhausted from the marathon of a year.  So much so, I laughed harder at this last night than I have in a long time.  A silly Christmas tree- (minus the finding of an owl that tapped on my heart pretty good-He's in good hands at Ravensbeard Rehab Center getting the proper care and all the mice he'll ever want/need)-

This tree. 

Rockefeller Christmas Tree 2020


And the Angels were singing "Get ready to rumble" 

This made me roar. 

Two Thousand Twenty kids.  There you have it.  The grand finale of sorts. 

Anyway....Chaos.  CHAOS, am I right?

We're all still searching for clarity too.  Meanwhile, life goes on, bills must be paid, appointments are set, a mother continues to worry and love and nurture.  A man works hard around his home to provide and take care of the things he worked so hard for.  And yet, we're still floating dab-smack in the middle of a pandemic. 

Add in the election. 

Family that doesn't agree. 

Friends torn apart by disagreement and change. 

Two Thousand Twenty. 

I have been literally scheduling my life around our new life. A son who is a delicate fish transplanted in the desert oasis we knew best fit for him. 

Trying to enjoy the lake life, and yet the sun is attacking his skin once again. 

A daughter beach side building a good life with Grant. Changes she made to be better and to do better.

My girlfriends that are my absolute beacon of light when things get dim. 

I have literally been driving back and forth through the desert with my music blaring and smiles and tears will occasionally break through for this new life. 

I celebrate little victories of happiness and I strive to work through anxiety. 

We all know what I worry about the most and yet there's so much positive floating around in my world. 

The elephant in the room gets covered with blankets alot. (Holla back atcha Vino)-

I thank God, and I pray every single day for the love and life I have been given. 

Forgiving those that have hurt me/us is a whole notha' story.  But for now, I am grateful.

Here's a snapshot of the last month. 





The Fruits and Labor of Hard Work. 

Happy Birthday Edie-

Cheers to good times!

Seal Beach Mama's

An incredibly hard working, good soul, robust for life, woman.  Cheers! 

My welcome home committee! 

Kali's foster "Beau" Thriving and driving LOL

Bat Man

My morning cardio happens at a place that is complete opposite of summertime vibes!

Two of the Six pack drove up....

Ferry rides across the lake...

So cute!

We shoot at targets in the gun range-

We share love with animals. 

We celebrate LIFE and the gift of surviving.  Even when thriving comes in waves.  
Catch and release. Life and LOVE. 

We love and love harder.  To the man that makes me happiest. 

Walking into Thanksgiving week and the holiday season.  

I still strive to be the fitness model lol jaykayyy, perfect mom role model and exceptional human, but just like you I deal with flaws.  I deal with fears.  I deal with anxiety and sadness. I wake each day hurting.  Physical and emotional.  I have for years.  But I keep on going.  

I tell myself to make a difference each day with something.  Even if it's moving furniture around or decor. Sometimes it's actually matching my socks.  (Which is a miracle for me).  Some days I tackle big tasks and sometimes small.  
If you're walking through a sad season if I can give you one bit of advice?

Shower. Take a shower and put on lip gloss if you're a girl.  If you're a guy, put lotion all over your body. Do something for your body.  For you.  But always shower. I promise you'll feel much better. 

If you're able to go on a walk?  Go walk. 

For years and years I would walk into the holiday season with a super heavy heart. 

Deep thoughts and sad moments.  Until I REALLY walked through scary big shit.  Then the holiday seasons shifted a little for me. 

Gifts?  Don't over do it. 

Cooking for someone you love? Do that. 

Listen to good music.  And loud. 


Cry while driving down a long road with good tunes. 

Leave love notes to those you love.  In spots they'll find later. 

For me, I know time is flying and that HWY 40 is my filter. To see my son and to see my daughter. 

To hug my best friends.  To smell ocean air.  To grab the desert sky with my eyes. 

Most of all, to sit next to Bill.  In silence and sometimes in loud music. 

Enjoy Thanksgiving friends.  

Wash your hands and remember to eat healthy.  It does matter.  

Much love,

Time sure is slipping by....

This Mama Lisa

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