Friday, November 3, 2017

Full Moon Friday

And Saturday.  Both of which will give you some space to hide from the weirdos. 

Or in my case, nutty phone calls.  

But it's Friday kids!  

Life could be way worse kids. (LOL) Your mom could send these boots with your boyfriend to Italy.
Sorry Kali.  I know you mentioned one pair had a hole you just didn't know which pair.  And when you said hole, dang girl, this is a FLAP. Make sure you don't bring those things home.  HAHA!

But don't feel too bad, they're in Venice as I type.  Flappy broken boots and all. 
Awww to be 21 again....

And for those still scratching your head on her studies.  She does.  She is just making the most of how far she's made this dream.  She has 4 classes.  Two days a week.  She still carries the highest grade point average.  

Travel the world little one...and don't look back!

Kali, go ask around for Gorilla glue in Italian.  And good luck with that, like the day you asked where the shavers were.  Demonstrating could be really good.  Two words.  Gorilla. Glue.



This Mama Lisa

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