Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forever Young...Happy 21st Kristopher

Yes, I was a very young girl at the age of 19 when I brought this boy to the world. It was scary, it was sweet, it was worth every minute. Simply because when you have children they become your friends, your little partners, your confidants, your support at times when needed. Sometimes it's a simple compliment, or a little hug. It wasn't always easy...I remember the night I brought him home, I was so scared. He was this little being that needed me. He would cry I would cringe. This boy would change my life forever. But to this very day... I have stood tall for him. Keep up your hardwork bub, "salt to the earth". And stay "Forever Young". First day of Mommy-me Swimming lessons. Look at those little chubby cheeks. Look at my shoulder pads. haha.
The day he got his drivers license...... Look at that hair! OMG do I remember that day like yesterday.....

Kris at Kali's age. 14 years...He rode at this track almost daily.

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