Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tori Lynn Is Twenty One.

 It was the night fall on Halloween after just arriving back home from visiting your mama and papa.  Kris was done with his trick or treating mania, and we'd just settled in. Your mama called me with the first signs of "labor".  The beginning of feeling some water trickling down her leg.  Soon the call would be "this is starting to hurt".  I'd make my way over with a bag for the night.  I can remember this night so clearly.  Arriving with a tiny bebe in my belly. Kali a mere 3 months  baking in my belly.  

Soon, we'd get ourselves loaded into my truck.  A car ride my sister and I will never forget. 
She asking me to pull over and stop at almost every contraction.  

The closer we got to the hospital the more anxious I was to meet our new little baby birdie.  I truly thought she was a boy.  Tina and Wayne wanted the surprise.  

She'd labor all.night.long.  Soon family would join. The regulars, our Auntie Nettie, Auntie Susie, Auntie Lynda and Uncle Alex.  The surrogates to us throughout the years. Always.

It wasn't until the next morning, late morning almost noon, Tori would make her way onto this  Earth.  I'd watch her furry little head crown to the top, and slide back in.  My sister almost losing her strength to finish what she'd started.  And so, we'd continue praising, and cheering.  After a couple hours, Tori would make her way out. Long fingers, long toes, and a peaceful quiet cry that would make our tears fall in abundance. Her daddy especially.  Soon nurses and doctors would stop me from snapping shots of her, because she'd slow her breathing and become a tad bit lethargic.  Something we'd learn later was from that cord wrapped a little too tight, and a little too long.  

When they said the words "It's a GIRL", I was truly shocked.  

She weighed in just at 7 pounds.  Long little body, and sweet beautiful eyes. 

She never cried much.  As a matter of fact, I believe that little girl slept through the first days like a champ.

Nursing didn't come easy for them. So many complications and worry for my sister, and yet this baby never cried.  

She's always kept a calm and peaceful demeanor. In fact, there's a lot about her that feels like me. She stands up for herself when needed and yet backs down to give love when and where needed.  She loves hippy stuff and the ocean.  She's a fighter and a lover. 

She's beautiful. And she's twenty one today.  It's so crazy to think of how fast these chapter pages have flipped.  She's my everything. 

She's Kali's everything. 

The two of them became like sisters.  Finding out I was having a girl, I could hardly wait to watch them share their love. Tori would ALWAYS take her bow out, reaching over to help Kali out to take her bows out too. Little girls, into little ladies, into women.  

Finding out together along the way just how beautifully hard this life can be.  Reaching out through phones now to hold the other up in trying times.  Always the first one to share the shitty news about heartbreak.  Knowing deep deep down inside they'd always have the others back. Only now, miles separate their "hanging"....

Happy Birthday Tori Lynn.  I'm honored to share my middle name with such a beautiful soul.  Such a beautiful girl, inside and out.  I hope you have the kind of day you deserve.  I can't wait to hug you tonight...

This picture cracks me up, simply because it was always the funniest thing between these two. 

She'd chase Kali down to give her a kiss...


Love and kisses, always for the win....

May PEACE and LOVE flow in abundance sweet Tori...

I love you,


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