Tuesday, November 15, 2016

And When You Blink.

 Not sure what melts my heart more.  Peeking back at old pictures, or reading blog posts from years past.

 Besties and babies
 Besties and Babies
 Lover, I hope for forever, and ever.
 If I knew then, what I know now....
 Happy peaceful girl on a Friday sunset....2012

 Bestie and Sistie...
 Kindergarten....the land of the thumb, and lots of hugs...
 And Christian awards....minus front teeth. boom
 My Everything.
 Big Hair.
 Shaka baby....
 White Sunglasses....
 More white sunglasses.  I tossed mine. 
Papa Steve, Rest in PEACE....We still miss your chuckle...
 Dad, you're so handsome.  And Toby, what a fine little dog he was....not sure what's growin' here, but....
 Funnest races each year....

 Our favorite dock on our favorite holiday...Thanksgiving!
 I love you.
 Always tryin' to love life.
 The road this little girl would head down, little did she know...1975
 Best friends through thick and thin....our six pack members for life!
Shirley, you are missed and needed more than ever.  

And there's a slice of my memories, and pictures that I still smile at, tear up at, and will forever and EVER be grateful I have. 

Snap away kids, and never stop shooting pictures.....For one day you will look back on them....and each year they'll come a little more precious....

Happy Tuesday!  Go spread smiles...even if it's in the dark on the way home from work.  LOL!

This Mama Lisa

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