Monday, November 14, 2016

The Weekend Full Of Sunshine...

Happy Monday friends...Mine is rather slushy--- Which isn't a bad thing. In fact, if I could turn back time to our afternoon bike ride yesterday, eh em--shhh we rode one mile. To Sea Legs and back.  Well, not back. We so happened to veer our bikes right up to Brix.  Where we could hear live blues bellowing out.  And when that goes on, something strange happens...we end up inside.  And soon we'd be seated among a full house of wine smiles, red cheeks, shoulder swayin' folks.

  Last week Friday could not come any was a doozy. And not so much for one particular thing, it was just bonkers.  Totally bonkers.  The election, the gnarly comments from friends about the election on social media, the tension all around.  Not to mention the thick energy from this beautiful full moon. 
I've said it once, and I'll say it every gosh darn month...full moons and drama do.not.mix. 

Jane decided to rally us girls by dockside at 5pm on Friday.  SUCH a beautiful night....

*wave hello to John our Captain-Jane's hub*

 You can't encapsulate those moments, you can just snap shots, and sip good wine.  Always wishing on a star for another day, and a new week...Cheers to closing out one heck of a week...
(We missed our Rox and Cindy Dutton)

Saturday, Kali made her way home as I prepared enchiladas, rice and beans.  We'd soon walk the beach, catching up on life's latest and greatest. The nice long walk down to the jetty keeping our eyes on massive amounts of sea shells. 

Meanwhile, my other birdies were doin weddings, baby showers, and birthday dinners...
Not sure what that alien thing is in between their faces, but....And REALLY not sure what that pink microphone is by Cheyne.  OMG, boys will forever be boys....
But, don't my babies look so awesome!  Kris, you've come a long way baby!

Kris posted this picture on Saturday, and a few friends blew up his phone.  
Seems as though they're announcing something- HA
They were baby shower shopping.  Can you just imagine the day I get this news?!!

Watch out out....


So Sunday was a lazy start.  I washed my hair and blow dried it.  Which is a feat in itself.  One hour of sweat blood and tears. jk.  well, kinda.
The girls came over which always rolls into a
dock sit and wine sips. 

Bike rides that SOMEHOW ended in Brix.  

Those bikes.....they better shape up next time

We don't need these foggy Monday eyes now do we?

Red wine, red wine, why you gotta be so fine....

Shell, how was your early fire safety course?! HAHAHA

Happy Monday...

PS- Happy 20th Birthday Savannah- I say it every year, and I'll keep saying it every year...
YOU MAKE US PROUD! Keep pushing! 

This Mama Lisa

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