Thursday, December 20, 2012

Those moments.

Remember I promised myself last week?  Slow down.  You can do this.  One day at a time.  One foot in front of the other.  And just like every year, the day after Christmas, friends and family are still there.  Even if you didn't find the "perfect gift".  They are there.  So today, as I scrolled through my hundreds of pictures. I decided I would post some of those memories that caught us in the "now". 

Who's a tourist?

Those moments that you pose, smile, say "cheese", or maybe not even that.  Maybe you capture little things that melt your heart.  Like the above fish that Mark and Jordan caught on their day adventure in Cabo, only to bring back into the resort, and the chefs cooked it up.  Holy Mackeral amazeballs.  Well, it wasn't Mackeral, it was like...ummm well, those guys up above.  And the word "delish" doesn't put a dent in the tastebuds of life.  Seriously cuteness at it's finest.  And really? At the time, you don't really fathom how special the day would someday be.   Happy Thirsty Thursday Elves.  All done yet? Just starting?  Haven't started?  HA!  I know a few of you last minutes elves. One tip from me to you?  Get er done!  HA. 

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