Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Better not pout....

So I have come to the conclusion of a few things this morning.  Well, more then a few, actually quite a bit, so I sorted them, tossed some of them in the mental trash.  Drank another cup of coffee, and added just a little more lip gloss. Smiled in the mirror as I whispered right back into my ears, "You can do this Leese, you can".

You see, I need sunshine.  This girl thrives in sunshine.  I mean, really who doesn't?  The gloom of December, the stress of the holidays, the cold in the morning.  All of it. Do I sound a little grinch like?  Sorry, not sorry. ha

I will avoid dry, rude mean another freak at the store this morning.  I will never understand disrespecting one serving another.  I just won't.  At times, I wish I had the balls to speak up.  I'm mostly in shock.

I will cherish my children and the way they do make me smile.  I will gravitate to those people that make me smile.  And feel good while with.

And I will look forward to sunshine.  While picking up our beautiful tree last night, THANK YOU Gio's Mama and Dad... We were approached by the. cutest. little dude.  He approached to help us pick up the "perfect tree".  He wanted to help us through the process. He was....maybe 12.  I thanked him and moved along...he later buzzed back to let us know they had "Free" hot chocolate, and to see if we had any questions....or if he could "twirl" one of them for us.. of course, with the cutest, biggest smile.  It was all I could to contain myself with huge grins, and of course melt inside.  You see, his kindness came from somewhere.  His ability to light up a room, came from something.   Is he born that way?  Was he taught kindness?  Was he taught that being helpful and servant is the way in this world?  Compassion moves along at a much better pace, right?  That's for sure.  And if you are anything like me, who will wear her heart on her shoulder at times, watching it get knocked off, you see these things.  Some people are taught them. And....some aren't.   Hope you kids are being good.  You know who's watching little fellers.  Kindness matters.  Words linger.  Love should be taught. And....I appreciate you all more then you may matter what you believe.  And that my friends, is no lie.  Just be kind.  Teach it. Bye for now little soldiers.  Keep your head up, and keep on truckin.  Seriously....keep on truckin....

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